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Being shriekingly afraid of ants should be grounds for immediate expulsion from the school and from herodom.




Ariel Causey

I do get your point about Snipe (the hero with the gun), but I guess the quirk is that he always (or most of the time perhaps) hits his target, which is pretty good I think (although he does need a gun/support weapon to really make use of it). If I remember correctly, his character is one from a previous manga from the writer that they wanted to include/reuse in this story, and of course, I think he's supposed to be American lol- I'm not sure if it's ever said outright, but All Might spent some time training in the US (which would explain why he says "shit" and maybe some other English words/phrases sometimes, even in the Japanese version)

Ariel Causey

I think a lot of people might be not necessarily afraid of bugs, but at least not really keen on interacting with them (even if they aren't spiders or ones that might potentially hurt you/harm you), but I guess it does seem like a trivial thing to have to overcome lol