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So Erik's movies keep getting pushed to the end of the month, often so far to the end of the month that one of them will dribble into the first day of the next month (which is going to happen this time as well) so I wanted to force myself to prevent this for November by immediately working on his Nov movies as soon as I'm finished with his October ones. Hence, this post.  All 8 movies will be finished and posted by the end the weekend.  I'll click notify on this post every time I update it between now and then. (Creature is coming late tonight and Howling not too far into tomorrow depending on processing time)

Red State: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HGRvte6q2Z5ynBWDhgGGZQTleT0ovU0e/view?usp=drive_link

Barbie (an hour long cut of this movie will be coming to Youtube soon): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oxyjYqlT52ofD1_UmpGn_3buJQXMCrLn/view?usp=drive_link

Creature: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rPP_RgqqRXSjZezjAZwSEsSmGJBapdLH/view?usp=drive_link

(It says its STILL processing this video 12 hours later. If the link still isn't working later today, I'll try uploading again)

Howling 5:



Robinson Crusoe:

Teen Witch:


Erik Christensen

Was Red State edited? I haven't seen any of these besides Barbie, so I was planning on watching them to your reaction for the first time. Thanks!


Yeah you'd asked for embedded videos moving forward because syncing full reactions was harder. When I go the embedded video route I do a little light editing, tightening up slow scenes where I'm not talking so I can make the videos a little shorter for quicker exports and uploads. But if that's not what you had in mind I can go back to full reactions for everything after Creature. It's up to you

Its ame mario

Red state was written because Kevin had a beef with the Westboro Baptist church. He actually invited them to the premiere, they lasted about 10 minutes in the theater

Erik Christensen

My parents were relatively loose when it came to content my brother and I were permitted to watch. Clerks is the only time my parents made us leave in the middle of a movie...and it couldn't have been longer than 15 minutes in.