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Tier 3 Update and poll

  • I want really short movie reactions (around 30 minutes) 1
  • I want medium length reactions (up to 50 ish minutes) 1
  • I want long reactions (up to 100 minutes with a week break) 0
  • I want near full reactions on everything with appropriate breaks depending on length 1
  • Let's decide on a case by case basis 4
  • 2023-10-06
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Tier 3 Update and poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'I want really short movie reactions (around 30 minutes)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I want medium length reactions (up to 50 ish minutes)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I want long reactions (up to 100 minutes with a week break)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'I want near full reactions on everything with appropriate breaks depending on length', 'votes': 1}, {'text': "Let's decide on a case by case basis", 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 6, 10, 44, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


Okay so the movie option won the poll which means we'll be doing movies for a while. I'll revisit this in January, a large factor will be how many views the movie videos get. Barry was down to 2 views a week, this indicates it was time for a change.

First, a few facts:

1) These will be edited reactions only, no full reactions. It's too much extra work and I'm barely getting things in on time as it is and even then some people (Paul, Joe, Valdman, etc) are waiting too long for their stuff to come out. It's not fair to make people wait just so I can do bonus content.

2) The length of the edited reactions is the point up for debate, hence the poll below. If the edited reaction is 50 minutes or less I can fit in a movie every single week.  If the edited reaction is longer, than 50 minutes, I'd be doing a movie every two weeks.  This is because of the 20 gig per week thing.

3) I don't mind doing a "near full reaction" edited reaction. Which means you'd be seeing 90-95% of the movie.  I'd only be cutting out dead spots where I'm not saying anything or I cough or sneeze or something.  But if the movie is long enough, this might get us into the plus 100 minute territory where there'd have to be an extra week off so two weeks between movies.

So really, it's a question of do you more varied content faster (movies every week) but they're shorter, or more of each movie but you have to wait longer for the next one.  There could be a case made that waiting longer isn't a bad thing, I put out a lot of stuff and maybe a wait here and there keeps you from getting tired of my stuff. I dunno.

So it's up to you. I also don't mind doing this on a case by case basis. Some movies can be short with no break but the next movie is long with a break.  To that end, here are the first 3 movies I'm doing:

The Witch (2015), The Lighthouse (2019), and The Northman (2022).  The Witch is dropping a week from today no matter what, the timeline on the next two will be determined here.


Erik Christensen

I would love full inlaid videos on vimeo. That's what sincerely kso is doing on her patreon. Currently, I can only watch the full reactions on desktop in common room to fit two browsers on screen..which is restrictive based on whether Noone is around.


I can accommodate that for your monthly movies via google drive up to a runtime of 150 minutes (my software crashes randomly but more often the larger the file size I try to export is, inlaid videos are larger files) but its a nonstarter for vimeo because of the weekly 20 gig limit. Roughly speaking, each 13 minutes of video is 1 gig, which means I get 260 minutes of video to upload per week. I have weekly videos dropping on Monday, Wed, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Those usually eat up 200 minutes a week, give or take. Leaving about 60 minutes to get ahead of schedule. If I started uploading a two and a half hour full reaction on a regular basis I would never be ahead on anything. The movie would have to be once a month for it to work.