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Note: Well, its official, I officially like this show so unless it takes a dramatic nosedive in quality, we're riding this train for many seasons to come.

New Episodes:

2-5: https://youtu.be/mG7hYOw-Kdo

2-6: https://youtu.be/4qlGIBz-4Oo

Episode Library

Episode 1: https://youtu.be/qtZsCbGN1wM

Episode 2: https://youtu.be/NAhz3CyuIb4

Episode 3: https://youtu.be/u_C1Svh4sZM

Episode 4: https://youtu.be/WzVm26jC1lw

Episode 5: https://youtu.be/yca7bvFGlbU

Episode 6: https://youtu.be/nVpBIoqy7iQ

Episode 7: https://youtu.be/A1VA97-j1dU

2-1: https://youtu.be/Jc3krzoIXqk

2-2: https://youtu.be/JTfD70pXX18

2-3: https://youtu.be/ew_nM3Elp04

2-4: https://youtu.be/2hQOfExBS_8



The actress who plays Dee was the major recast between their homemade pilot and the TV pilot (the episode was Charlie Has Cancer). Their original plan was to have Dee play the straight man, but Katlin Olson pushed for her character to be just as awful as everyone else.


What's funny about that is I was going to talk in my opening diatribe that this show needs a straight man. But I forgot to bring it up. And now that I think about it, I think I'm wrong about that. Its working as it is.