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Note: As with One Piece, the plan is to get far enough ahead on videos that I can upload reactions and schedule an early access post days before its ready to drop so we can always avoid delays. This way each post drops at 5 minutes after midnight on the scheduled day each and every week without delay.  But this means that videos are just sitting around for days, even weeks, all lonely and unwatched because the appointed day and time haven't arrived yet.  So I provide early access to ... the early access here at this tier level as an extra thank you to people supporting me at this level.

Because of all this, these won't be a regular thing, but will randomly appear every now and then.  I can say however that Vol 2 will hit around the middle to late next week, probably Thursday, because the plan is to be two full weeks ahead by then. After that it'll get more random.

The videos are organized by the day they'll be released. 

August 27th

Episode 59: https://youtu.be/femWZo8r-pQ

Episode 60: https://youtu.be/ev0tR5SkEFI

Episode 61: https://youtu.be/X_hnCr_CEfo

Episode 62: https://youtu.be/zlEUm41KNUE

Episode 63: https://youtu.be/bGp9L8i6tyc

Episode 64: https://youtu.be/JeKPx9PGyWc

Episode 65: https://youtu.be/JucJz7sh8Oc

Episode 66: https://youtu.be/0C3ssfntl-s

Sept 3rd

Episode 67: https://youtu.be/oU6mbhviSfU

Episode 68: https://youtu.be/9_f6KjlpSpY

Episode 69: https://youtu.be/SWQLIJxcwWM

Episode 70: https://youtu.be/uu-rriwI9w8

Episode 71: https://youtu.be/6SHf-_pBeo8

Episode 72:

Episode 73:

Episode 74:

Sept 10th

Episode 75:

Episode 76:

Episode 77:

Episode 78:

Episode 79:

Episode 80:

Episode 81:

Episode 82:


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