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I was procrastinating doing this because I knew the edit was going to be a royal pain in the ass and it was. Thank God I've found a better website for almost everything I'm currently doing except I Cladius. (That's still coming soon btw)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TjGJ2VW-Djv3x7B9CybJ8GydMkHKwZ98/view?usp=drive_link


paul cook

Shame about the buffering hurting such great scenes I hadn't noticed the similarity between Pullo killing the boyfriend of the girl he went onto marry, and the girl who married him killing his wife, I'm sure it was intentional now you mention it. I think the scenes in the last episode with Vorenus telling "Caesar's son" what his dad was like, all work as descriptions of both Pullo and Julius too. I think the guy getting pulled up into Cleopatra's palace at the start is a reference to something they cut about Anthony's death. According to the sources (which might be making him look bad because Octavian won) Anthony botched his suicide, he tried to stab himself in the belly like a samurai but didn't die, then he realized Cleopatra was still alive but she'd walled herself up in a chamber (to prepare for a siege) and had to be hoisted in on a chair like that so he could die by her side. Very inglorious! Nothing in war is certain, but Octavian is about as certain to win this siege as anyone can be, so it's sensible of him to not accept Anthony's offer of single combat; even if Octavian has a 90% chance of winning, it isn't worth risking an almost certain victory. It was usual but not universal to execute captured enemy kings/queens after a triumph but didn't always happen, I dunno if he would've executed Cleopatra after the Triumph if he had captured her alive.


I think show Octavian would have killed her for sure. Who knows about the real one. I'm surprised they didn't have Mark botch his suicide since the show loved humiliating him. LOL