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Love is being left on read




Ariel Causey

When the two i's are at the beginning of a name, they're just pronounced as if it's two e's, so, "Eeno." I remember now that episode 1 was the last one I saw in English, I can't believe I hadn't gone back to episode 2 until now because I was looking forward to hearing Hayasaka sing, but they just used the Japanese voice rather than dubbing. That seemed a little odd, because Hayasaka's VA is actually a pretty popular singer known for covering a lot of anime openings/endings/etc, but usually translated into English- she goes by Amalee, and her YouTube channel is LeeandLie (Amalee). But it makes sense given that it probably would have taken more time than the dubbing schedule allowed to either translate the song into English for her to sing with lyrics that flowed and sounded natural enough with the music, or for her to learn to sing it in Japanese, And I think that the new voice for the president isn't different enough to be too jarring, in fact, I didn't even realize when I initially watched episode 1 way back when. Though, I do recognize the new VA from other shows now, like he voiced Conny in the AoT dub, and he voices my favorite character from My Hero Academia in the dub- though, I have to force myself not to imagine that character when I hear the president speaking now, because that one actually is an asshole/bully, and Miyuki definitely is not- if anything, to counteract that, I can try to picture Conny instead, but with more intelligence lol


I'm going to have to check out her channel because that vo actress is great. As for the President, yeah, it was only when editing this after you told me it was him who got changed that i noticed anything. There is a difference, just not a big enough one for me to notice unprovoked