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I think I'm cracking up. I spent all week convinced this video had already been edited, exported, and uploaded. It was only when I noticed it hadn't posted yesterday that I realized my mistake ... I hadn't even STARTED the editing on it. Instead, what I'd been doing with my time yesterday was editing episodes 2-9 and 2-10. ... Dumbass




Ariel Causey

So far, between the three seasons (with season 3 having 13 episodes instead of 12) and the movie which represents 4 episodes, there are 41 episodes- but from what I've heard, there will be at least another season or 2 after that given the source material/manga. Miko iino (spelling it lowercase because a lot of English speakers assume the first i is an L- it happens with a character in My Hero Academia as well, even when they're reacting to the dub, seeing 2 i's I think just throws us off because we pretty much never see the letter i doubled in any word or name) is a first year just like Ishigami, while Kaguya, Miyuki, and Chika are second year students (so only one year older). I assume that when Kaguya fainted, she was actually having a panic/anxiety attack- I've never had one (though I have had experience with anxiety), but I believe they are often mistaken for a heart attack. I think for the rest, it was as you said, we were seeing it how Kaguya (and Hayasaka maybe?) was interpreting the diagnosis/results- and in Hayasaka's case, maybe it was second hand embarrassment- seeming to have medical confirmation that it was "love" and not an actual heart issue, and knowing how Kaguya would probably take that news. Side note- both Kaguya (in episode 8) and Kei (in one of the next episodes) were referred to as a "tsundere"- which I have heard of and guessed from context, but I looked it up to be sure- it means a character that initially presents with a harsh personality, but reveals a warmer and friendlier side over time (I think it's kind of like the classic "mean" character that's hiding their feelings behind coldness, insults and/or bullying behavior, I would assume to stop themselves from being vulnerable, but then circumstances and/or someone helps them to trust/open up/become "nicer" over time)


This is all very interesting. There's a word similar to tsundere that starts with a Y and means a psycho stalker or something. Love crazy, maybe. That's the one thing I'd heard about anime before I started this adventure and so i was very excited to see this character type in action and yet as far as I know I still haven't seen any examples so I guess its not as common as I was lead to believe. Can't wait to run into it though. Back to this show, I love that trivia about the two i thing because you're right, that would throw people.