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Dances the end of the school session




Ariel Causey

I think that the whole "the thundergod will steal my bellybutton" that Fujiwara was freaking out about during the storm was maybe a cultural/Japanese superstition (that I imagine only small children would buy into, but I could be wrong), or it may be what you said, just a random thing for our chaos agent to be agitated over lol I think their summer vacation is a month- and I believe they do year round schooling (which if I understand correctly is starting to happen here in the states depending on where you are and what your school district decides) which just means that there are more but shorter breaks. I remember when my kids were in school it came up as a possibility, but didn't end up happening (they've both graduated in the last couple of years, so it wasn't too long ago). And I believe that Hayasaka didn't actually go too far away from Kaguya's room while Miyuki was in there, they kept flashing to her still being right outside the door- but since she wasn't physically in the room, still needed to investigate to confirm what she heard/didn't hear- that nothing really happened- and she may have been lying about the room being soundproof, just setting up a "test" to see if he would pass, and I think he did, at least in her eyes


That's very interesting about Hayasaka being close by, keeping tabs. That didn't cross my mind, I was thinking more cameras recording for posterity, but your idea makes a lot more sense. And it fits what we know about Hayasaka being loyal and protective