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Here's the intro: https://youtu.be/C5nG8szu1i0

Also, I intended for this video to be at the end of the main video but I forgot to include it before I exported so here it is. Just a bonus outro: https://youtu.be/5jMbukdJf24





the fact that kendall isn't the biological father of his children adds a whole other dimension to his relationship with logan and in the end, all tom had to do to "win" was to impregnate shiv. i thought shiv's decision made sense, she didn't betrayed her brother because she prefered tom or because she thought about her future or her kid( she ended up fucking her future and ending up like her mother, submissive) she just couldn't see her brother win. reminded me of the end of the second season 2 when she had to choose between kendall and tom to send to jail and she choose kendall.


kendall's tragedy is that he became as close to logan as he could and it still wasn't enough. when he lies about killing the kid he crosses the last line that kept his morality in previous seasons: he does the equivalent of what logan said about the waiter in season 2 " no real person involved". i loved that detail because it explains the meaning of the poem the finales of succession are named after, the poem ,dream song 29, tells the story of a man(henry in the poem, but kendall in the show) who could never succeed and who will feel eternal sadness and guilt because he went over everyone, did something terrible and hid the body but in the end "nobody is ever missing" .


That makes sense. How did you feel about the timing of her decision? I know out of universe it was for maximum dramatic impact, but in universe I didn't buy it. To me ... If she couldn't stomach the idea of her brother winning this morning then she'd have felt that way last night. What are your thoughts?