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Snake is the perfect example of the difference between an antagonist and a villain.




paul cook

The distance between America and Denmark is 4500 miles, while that between England and Denmark is 500 miles, so the difference is even bigger than you thought. Vikings really wouldn't have much reason to go there (even if they knew it existed, not knowing would give them even less reason to go). I'm sure you know jessie was intended to die at the end of S1 of BB, so it's funny you use "jessie isn't going to die" as an example of something a story would never do. You're right, once S1 was over and he became permenant cast, but the example proves the "plan" of a show (the things that can't possibly happen, or have to happen) can change after it starts airing (unsure if this applies to animation, as the BB case was due to actor chemistry and ability, which isn't as much of a thing in animation.... then again i've seen characters in manga who weren't originally intended to be important become as key as jessie when they became really popular).


Yeah I was talking about post Season 1. And yeah I'm sure its different with animation. Another difference is the fact that actor availability is almost never an issue with voiceover because you don't need all the actors on the same day.

Ariel Causey

Another thing, it might depend on different translations, but I remember Snake and his men being referred to as “guests” when they were first introduced (like when Fox and Badger ran into Olmar) and it was explained that they were there to protect the farm, but in the version I’m watching (Netflix), they hadn’t used it in a while. And expanding on Paul’s point about the comparative distances, I think flat world maps don’t do much justice- I once scrolled across a “fun fact” ad or whatever illustrating that the distance across Australia (Perth to either Sydney or Melbourne) is actually greater than that from London to Moscow (crazy given how big most people think of Russia as being compared to the US perhaps, and Moscow is pretty far to the east)- also, I’m not sure, but maybe flat maps don’t usually actually scale the distance of the Atlantic between the Americas and Europe/Africa because there’s no point in showing the excess water with no landmarks (plus it would make for an extra wide map). Maybe a globe is better for scaling, but how many of us are popping one out when we’re researching or just satisfying a curiosity about something geography related lol