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There's been a lot of challenges the past couple weeks and they have accumulated to the point that it's going to affect this week's schedule in the ways listed below. It should be just a one week thing.

This week's episodes of Succession, Twin Peaks, and Champloo will all be delayed by up to 24 hours. Not all of them will take the max time (for instance Succession will probably drop tonight) but some might.

Rome Episode 2-5 will get pushed back to next Sat, May 13th. But Episode 2-6 will still drop on May 20th as scheduled rather than the usual 2 week gap.

We'll also be getting another episode of "In the Flesh" this weekend, as well as some "Love and Death" and more "Narcos" by next Monday or Tuesday.

On a related note, I need a favor. If you hear rain in the background of any of my recordings, please make a note of it in the comments. I'm gathering information on how bad it is because the rain sounds bad to me as its happening but I'm not really picking it up in editing, but that could just be my hearing issues.  This could be a game changer because one of the reasons for these delays is how much its been raining recently. But if the rain truly isn't an issue for recording, that removes one stumbling block. Don't go out of your way on this, but just something to keep in mind moving forward.


paul cook

I haven't heard any rain


Yeah haven’t heard any rain at any point, and I watch with pretty good headphones.