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Note: I'll be doing an edited version of this for Youtube at some point, but for now here is the extended cut via Google Drive.




Loved the reaction! I'm definitely going to keep this going. I don't want to comment too much about your intro discussion other than to say you'll know why this show captivated Twitter when you see it.


ooh this was a pleasant surprise. hope there are more coming; this show goes wild. I love Nathan. there were a few times where I felt Nathan for You came close to crossing a line, but I agree with you that he's mostly a cinnamon bun. He has another show upcoming called The Curse which I think is going to be more scripted. He's also done some voice work. He was the scientist two levels deep in the car battery in that episode of Rick and Morty, and I think he was on a few episodes of Bojack as well. There's some older stuff of his floating around youtube as well. I haven't rewatched this since it aired, so I'm here for it if it keeps going.

Erik H Christensen

I feel like they should have stuck to this format for the entire season. One backstory plus rehearsal per episode.


Oh wow I know exactly which Rick and Morty character you're referring to. LOL That was totally a Nathan VO performance now that you mention it. LOL