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Cape Cod girls ain't got no frills
   They tie their hair with codfish gills




Ariel Causey

I love these episodes, I may be reading too much into it, but I’ve always thought that Jin and Fuu are to Mugen what Mukuro and Koza failed to be, genuine friends who actually care about him. Koza may not have been straight up evil like Mukuro, but she was so codependent that as you pointed out, she just wanted anyone to glom on to in order to get away from Mukuro, she may have preferred it to be Mugen over Shiren (I mean, she cared enough to go to Jin and Fuu about the double cross, unless of course that was part of her plan to sucker Jin in to killing Mukuro), but ultimately it didn’t seem to matter who took care of her in that way, she seems incapable of independence imo- and yeah, they do tend to sprinkle “lighter” episodes in between the heavy ones, there are a few wtf ones just before the 3 part finale lol

Ariel Causey

Also, that squirrel that Fuu was playing with is her pet Momo that we’ve seen here and there since the first episode- it’s even helped her, like getting in that guard’s face when she was first trying to help the guys out, and he/she (I’m not sure if the gender is ever clear) placed the bet for them in the episode where their winnings got stolen by Sosuke lol


That's a good point about the failed Mukuo/Koza dynamic and how it parallels Jin and Fuu. I wouldn't have noticed that


Oh yeah, i remember that beast. So, where does she keep it during the many walking scenes? In her pocket? LOL