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This new brother is a wild mofo!




paul cook

Lots of things outside human control influenced farm yields so people tended to appeal to the gods a lot for favor at harvest, at least Einar is not doing animal sacrifices like the Romans would have. Even today when we know it doesn't influence yields, some of these pagan practices seem to persist in the form of 'harvest festivals' ("the wicker man" isn't that far off xD) "The Thing" was the name of the viking equivalent of a parliament, but it still seems hilarious when they talk about "going to the thing" >_< If a bunch of undisciplined warriors came up against an actually disciplined force then they'd be screwed, but they were in luck as no one had discipline xD I have no clue how someone as nice as Ketil seems to be managed to survive so long LOL If Ketil's wife knows he is sleeping with his slave, that might explain why she's so miserable (and slaps said slave >_<)


I get what you're saying but can the Gods ... like ... you know ... accept a calmer prayer? I ain't got the time or the energy for ALL THAT when I'm busting my ass in the fields from morning until night. LOL

Ariel Causey

I know you haven’t really been paying close attention to the openings in case of spoilers, and I don’t think the first opening of this season really spoils anything aside from character designs, but the second opening starting at episode 13 seems to be spoiler heavy- I haven’t read the manga, so I don’t even know how to interpret all of the images yet, but we’ve already seen some of them in the first 2 episodes of this second half, so definitely avoid it once you get there