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I've been fired a lot but I've never been KICK YOUR ASS fired



Erik Christensen

Thanks for this. A couple of comments before I dig in again more thoroughly (when I'm sure I'll have more comments). 1) For me, there was something particularly potent about seeing Bobby and Shelly with their parenting difficulties dealing with a wild young teenager having seen Bobby and Shelly (played by same actors) having played wild young teenagers together in our most recent iteration with them. It's a perspective you probably get to see rarely (if ever) played this way in fiction and really digs deep in a way endless "When I was your age blah blah blah" stories in fiction we've seen hundreds of times can't. 2) I think the evolution of Dr. Jacoby, Nadine, and Jerry Horne seems pitch perfect to me and these are the types of scenes where Mark Frost really leaves his indelible mark.

Erik Christensen

And also....*Early in the episode, when Evil Coop looks in the mirror, it is meant to show a bit of Bob in his reflection (the grey hair, for example)..It's subtle but it's there, that's why Evil Coop says "I'm glad to see you're still with me"..*The guy that shits on the kid's resume is Mike 25 years later (the jock who was friends with Bobby and had a fling with Nadine when she thought she was younger)....*Tom Sizemore is the actor who plays the insurance agent Catatonic Coop accuses of lying (he died within the last couple of weeks)....*Peggy Lipton, the actress who played the diner owner, died in 2019 (again, they were just in time for this reboot before actors started dying off..a recurring theme)..Lipton was married to Quincy Jones and they have two famous actress daughters together, including Rashida Jones from Parks and Recreation, The Office, and Boston Public.....*The character who sexually assaults that girl in the booth at the bar is credited as Richard Horne (the same last name as Ben Horne, Jerry Horne and Audrey Horne)..are they related? To be continued....*The guy who took the cash in the pack of cigarettes at the bar is Deputy Chad (you had made fun of his name).....*And finally, I think the key with Dougie is not to get annoyed that characters aren't acting realistically around him (they clearly aren't)..it's simply whether or not you find the comic shtick funny (maybe you just hate the comic shtick, which of course is a valid reaction to any comic shtick)


I agree with point number 1 so much that I once wrote a script on this same topic. I was inspired by a miniseries called "Chiefs" adapted from the book of the same name which shows 3 straight generations of a small town, the police chiefs who protected it, and the serial killer who terrorized it all that time. You're right, its a dynamic rarely explored in film


I think its just what I talked about last episode, having gone through this in real life with my ex wife. This is probably what its like for a lawyer to watch Law and Order or a doctor to watch House. Some things you just know too much about. I don't blame the show, its really my issue