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Insert Krusty the Clown "What the Hell was THAT?!?" meme

Episode 22: https://youtu.be/d7dUjd9TSfc

Episode 23: https://youtu.be/GXn8RA8PxIk

Episode 24: https://youtu.be/348JMIJ5Qyg

Episode 25: https://youtu.be/PwzahhbXaxE

Episode 26: https://youtu.be/hgvGa3Pasl8


Roy Koopa

Just to answer your question, the movie covers the last two episodes. Obviously you've seen them by now so you'll know that they could be considered a little, uh, 'controversial' in that they don't really wrap the story up! There's a number of reasons for that. The creator had a mental breakdown, the show was way overtime, the studio had run out of money and as such the show had no budget. So they improvised with the last two episodes and made it very introspective. Some people consider those two last episodes to be masterpieces of the art, but others were less happy. The creator of the show received a plethora of death threats and abuse, etc. So the studio and creator decided to create 'The End of Evangelion' as a conclusion. The End of Eva picks up right after the end of episode 24. I know you said because of views you might not watch it, but it's considered an absolute highlight of the show. And personally I think it's incredible, one of the best animated features ever made.

paul cook

The movie doesn't really cover the last 2 episodes - it is more like a totally different ending that starts where those episodes start. You really have to see the movie to know how the show ends tbh.