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Note: The video just started processing so it won't be ready for at least a few hours. For best results don't attempt to watch it until at least 9am EST. (I'm only posting it now because I'm about to go to sleep.)




havent watched the series so i cant watch your reactions^^ but everything worked out fine with the stream?


Having thought about it a little more, while I still fully accept and see the immigrant metaphor, I still think the gay thing stands a little stronger here. The argument for me is that Kieran and the others did not arrive to the area and immediately get identified as "other" as in the case of immigration; they were part of the community who "changed" and the community re-evaluated them from a new perspective (to mirror coming out of the closet). Also the make-up works as a metaphor for "acting masculine/hetero".


Two good points actually. Especially the first one. The immigration thing only works as you say if they've just moved in. You could make the case for his creepy friend doing that but Kieran is a lifelong resident. No I think you're right.