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The magical mystery tour continues!  And I'm not just talking about the show, I'm also talking about whether or not the video shows up in my recording screen. Bizarre.



Erik Christensen

So, I started with the Badalamenti tribute at the end (thanks for that BTW). And I'm not sure I agree with your statement that people don't worship Lynch anymore. In the recent Sight And Sound Poll just released a few weeks ago (which only comes out once every ten years and is considered the most prestigious best films of all time poll there is), Mulholland Drive was ranked the 8th greatest film of all time by the critics (having risen from 28th ten years earlier) and is ranked the 22nd great film of all time in the directors' poll (having risen from 75th ten years earlier). It's pretty remarkable for recent films to climb up those lists so quickly. The lists feel pretty old if you look at them. Blue Velvet was in the top 100 for both critics and directors and Eraserhead was in the top 100 for directors. ALSO, the French film magazine Cahiers du Cinema made the unusual selection of Twin Peaks Season 3 in its 18-hour entirety as the best film(?!?!?) of the DECADE at the end of the 2010s.


That's pretty cool. I guess my small circle of film nerd friends was having too much sway on what I thought the overall discourse was about him. I can say that I keep seeing tweets about him. LOL