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Andy and Lucy, sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G!



Erik Christensen

Lynch is only minimally involved between now and the end of Season 2 (except as actor). The season becomes pretty soapy until the final episode. Then Season 3 is Lynchian at its peak. I didn't want to tell you that the conventional wisdom was that this stretch is the nadir of quality for Twin Peaks because I didn't want to dampen your enthusiasm and I thought it would have a bad effect potentially on reactions. In any event, you'll get some fun new characters, including the David Duchovny one.


I've seen the next episode (probably exporting it tonight for early access) and loved it so I'm not feeling the hate so far. LOL We'll see how it goes.

Erik Christensen

I think what Leland said was he left her at the bus station, not that he put her on the bus.