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While editing Atlanta episodes 4-5 and 4-6 this morning I realized that we only have 4 episodes left, which means that 6 weeks from today a new show will be in the Tier 3 Friday slot.

Meanwhile, I've recorded two thirds of Attack on Titan so that's no spring chicken either. Time to start thinking about its replacement as well.  So I'm looking for suggestions in the following 2 categories.

Tier 1 Anime: This one has to be anime. Don't suggest Chainsaw Man because that's going to be a side project soon. One Piece is fair game here because that might be the only way I ever have time to work on it. I want to do it but I never seem to have the time. But feel free to suggest something else.

Tier 3: This one is wide open. It doesn't necessarily have to be a half hour show. Feel free to suggestion anything. Recent big name shows I haven't had time to get to yet are Andor, Miss Marvel, Sandman, Vampire Academy, The Midnight Club, Rings of Power (did the first 20 minutes and haven't had time to do more), last 3 seasons of Motherland, Paper Girls. Older top 100 shows I haven't seen yet include House of Cards (other than the pilot), Doctor Who (first season already over here), any of the new Star Trek shows, Deadwood (other than half of season 1), Orange is the New Black, The Shield, NYPD Blue, and Six Feet Under.  Feel free to suggest your own. If it came out in the past couple years and isn't Marvel or Star Wars, and I haven't reacted to it, chances are I haven't seen it.


Alice Flagg

Tier 3: Malcolm in the Middle

Alice Flagg

Tier 1: Dorohedoro