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With so many shows ending over on Youtube around the same time, just wanted to give you an idea of my general plan moving forward. I say "general" because no plan survives contact with the enemy.

Community ends on 10-18. On 10-25 and 11-1 I'll be doing 2 episodes each of Rick and Morty season 5 (they were recorded a few months back and I've been editing them about 10 minutes a week in between everything else going on). During this two weeks I'll be recording and editing episodes of Scrubs as the long term replacement.  If British Office does good numbers that will be worked into the rotation, if not I'm giving the American Office another chance. Either way, that won't debut until December on YT. Early Access for Scrubs will start next week.

(The rest of Rick and Morty Season 5 will finish out on Fridays)

Better Call Saul isn't being officially replaced, I'm, using that time every week to work on Boardwalk Empire editing. I was able to edit an episode of BCS about every 8 days so that time getting used on BWE is gonna speed that up a lot.  So the Boardwalk Early Access will begin late next week.

Mad Men ends on November 19th so on November 26th Boardwalk Empire will debut in its place on Youtube. My goal is to be a full 10 episodes ahead on Early Access by then. I'm determined that for my next hour long drama I will never have a situation where people on Youtube had to wait because I hadn't finished editing. That happened with Sopranos, BCS, and Mad Men. That ain't happening on Boardwalk.

I've been recording House of the Dragon every week. At some point during all this I'll start editing that. Probably once Rick and Morty editing is finished.  When that's finished I'll focus on either Ozark or Cobra Kai.


Its ame mario

You should consider Chainsaw man, it's just started, it's probably the most anticipated anime of the year