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1) Alice American Dad 3-1 "Vacation Goo" SR, MR 3-2 "Meter Made" SR, MR 3-3 "Dope & Faith" SR, MR 3-4 "Big Trouble in Little Langley" SR, MR 3-5 "Haylias" SR 3-6 "42-Year-Old Virgin" SR 4-1 "1600 Candles" 4-18 "Weiner of Our Discontent"

2) Mario "Pans Labyrinth" SR

3) Mario "I love you Philip Moris" SR

4) Andy Tear Along the Dotted Line series

5) Andy "Other Guys"

6) Andy "Nice Guys"

7) Joe The Flesh series

8) Klaus LOGH Episodes 76-81

9) Mario Narcos episodes 7 and 8

Underlined projects will be full reactions.

PS. If you're on Tier 4 and you ordered something that is not listed above, just remind me. I have the memory of a dead wamprat.

Abbreviation Key

SR: The original video has been recorded. (This is a big deal because recordings are done in real time and I have only one computer which means its tied up for that amount of time)

MR: My reaction has been recorded.

E: Some editing has been done.

EC: Editing has been finished.

EX: The project has been exported. (Another big deal, because exports happen in near real time ... ie a video that is an hour long takes about 55 minutes to export and the computer is tied up the entire time) All that's left after this is uploading so you'll only see this designation on large files that take a long time to upload or files that require memory storage over here, which has to be budgeted.



btw. in case you wanna record more logh episodes you should definetly do more then 1 extra but best would be if you just watch the ones you postet here goot spot for a small break inbetween sessions

Alice Flagg

So, when will the American Dad reaction vids be uploaded?


Tuesday. For the upload, that may creep into Wed depending upon processing time and time zone, but if so early that morning.