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Abbreviation Key

SR: The original video has been recorded. (This is a big deal because recordings are done in real time and I have only one computer which means its tied up for that amount of time)

MR: My reaction has been recorded.

E: Some editing has been done.

EC: Editing has been finished.

EX: The project has been exported. (Another big deal, because exports happen in near real time ... ie a video that is an hour long takes about 55 minutes to export and the computer is tied up the entire time) All that's left after this is uploading so you'll only see this designation on large files that take a long time to upload or files that require memory storage over here, which has to be budgeted.

Tier 4 Content List

1) Mario Arcane Episodes 5 and 6 SR, MR, E

2) Klaus LOGH Episodes 43-45(1) SR, MR, EC

3) Leon The Killer Inside Me” (2010) SR

4) Leon The Hateful Eight SR

5) Erik Nashville

6) Mario Arcane Episodes 7-9 SR

7) Erik Prime Suspect miniseries SR

8) Klaus (April) LOGH Episodes 46-51(1)

(1) I added an extra episode for March because there was a technical glitch on episode 41. That reaction is mostly intact but its annoying enough that I felt a makeup episode was warranted.

PS. If you're on Tier 4 and you ordered something that is not listed above, just remind me. I have the memory of a dead elephant.

PPS. Items are mostly added as they are given to me but there are exceptions and special cases. For instance, you'll notice over the coming weeks that Prime Suspect will stay at the bottom of the list even as LOGH moves up and new things are added above it. The reason is its a miniseries being divided up over 4 months.

PPPS. I will edit this post as I reach milestones like recording reactions or whatever, but I won't click notify.  So feel free to swing back through a post later in a week if you're curious.


Alice Flagg

It's good to know that the entire season of Arcane is being reacted to. Nice job on the update posts. 👍