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Note: There's always so much interest in what is coming up next, and when its coming, that I can't believe it took me this long to have the idea of publicizing the information in one place. I'm going to start posting this weekly, every Monday from now on.

This is the order that things are being worked on, with the top of the list being the next thing that will be released. It's a bad idea to give a date or time of release because there are factors beyond my control (a screen recording failed, a hard drive crashes and needs recovered, the internet or power goes out for 6 or more hours, a file export fails an hour into it which means I have to start over, etc etc. A lot of these wouldn't be so bad if I had more than one computer or if I had someone doing my editing) so I've come to realize that time estimates are worthless, all that matters is what order things are coming out.

And finally, this might be more info than anybody cares about, but I've included designations for various stages of production and post production to show how close they are to release.

SR: The original video has been recorded. (This is a big deal because recordings are done in real time and I have only one computer which means its tied up for that amount of time)

MR: My reaction has been recorded.

E: Some editing has been done.

EC: Editing has been finished.

EX: The project has been exported. (Another big deal, because exports happen in near real time ... ie a video that is an hour long takes about 55 minutes to export and the computer is tied up the entire time) All that's left after this is uploading so you'll only see this designation on large files that take a long time to upload or files that require memory storage over here, which has to be budgeted.

Tier 4 Content List

1) Erik Arrival (2016) SR, MR

2) Alice Fargo SR, MR

3) Alice True Grit SR, MR

4) Mario Arcane Episodes 5 and 6 SR

5) Erik Prime Suspect miniseries

6) Klaus (March) LOGH Episodes 40-45 SR

7) Leon (March) The Killer Inside Me” (2010)

8) Leon (March) The Hateful Eight

PS. Just to prove my point about time estimates. I'll tell you that I expect Arcane 3 and 4 to be released today, Platoon tomorrow, Arrival on Thursday, and Fargo on Friday. That's my goal, but 3 Communities need editing today along with a Gravity Falls and tomorrow's Wire hasn't even been recorded yet. If any of those take longer than expected, my expectations are fucked. LOL

PPS. If you're on Tier 4 and you ordered something that is not listed above, just remind me. I have the memory of a dead elephant.

PPPS. Items are mostly added as they are given to me but there are exceptions and special cases. For instance, you'll notice over the coming weeks that Prime Suspect will stay at the bottom of the list even as LOGH moves up and new things are added above it. The reason is its a miniseries being divided up over 4 months.

PPPPS. I will edit this post as I reach milestones like recording reactions or whatever, but I won't click notify.  So feel free to swing back through a post later in a week if you're curious.

PPPPPS. Future posts won't be this long, there was a lot of exposition required to kickstart this.

PPPPPPS. I'm anticipating being done with Feb stuff a few days early, so if you already know what you want me to do for March, feel free to let me know early to get yourself on the list sooner.



great idea :) thank you dexter

Andy Og

I think the reason everyone is always asking so much is that your patreon is vary unorganized I mean even at the basics like tier permissions .... they have still not been updated to show what shows you will actually be able to watch at that certain tier they only show old shows like Mr. Robot. Then on top of that problem we have the tier 4 problem... I understand this is how you make most of your money but it makes everything so unorganized and makes it impossible to grow the patreon when it's constant tier 4s what I mean is if you ad say even only 5 more tier 4s then that is going to basically be your whole content for your patreon just doing their 4s. I recommend focusing on growing your YouTube audience and patreon rather than the tier 4 system. But since you do relie on teir 4's for your income I say still do them but make it more expensive so less people do it and make the patreon more Interactibale for everyone we should focus less on teir 4s and more on polls in the future....get everyone involved the teir 4 thing just makes everything so sloppy and adds alot of stress to you. At the end of the day it's your YouTube and patreon so do what you want but that's my advice. The way you are doing things now does nothing to grow your channel really and over time what happens? You can't just relie on your patreon subscribers that you have now what you really need is to grow the channel more but you can't sit down and think about that when you have so many teir 4s to do. Also I don't see berserk on your list are you still posting thos reactions tomorrow? You said you would let me know how many episodes you watched a few days ago. It's just stuff like that I think is the reason people are always asking about stuff and you do say to remind you before you always say you have bad memory.


Dude, I'm doing Berserk for free (which is obviously why it's not on this Tier 4 list) only because you've requested it and I wanted to do you a favor. Not for money. And I'm doing this favor not for money at a time when I have a lot of stuff to catch up on because of an unexpected move. That move is why things have been out of whack lately. Any other channel would have taken a month completely off after dealing with this kind of adversity. Instead, I've been working twice as hard, getting about 4 hours of sleep a night, to catch up and get ahead so that things can be more regular and more organized moving forward. And yet, with all this going on, I'm still devoting time to doing you a favor this week. But all I'm getting from you is constant requests for updates and now this. It's funny, people expect me to simultaneously finish their stuff for them ASAP but also at the same time want me to drop everything to immediately answer their messages ASAP. I'm only one person.