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Vine: "For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer!"

Itsuka: "... so ... is that a yes or no on you wanting some coffee?"




Ariel Causey

One of the things I like doing is checking in to the voice actors of shows I’ve watched and see if I’ve heard the same ones in multiple shows (some distinctive voices I recognize usually right away- like Iida’s and All Might’s)- and I’ve recently been rewatching Black Clover, and the crossover of voices between that show and this one is insane- and I just last night checked up on one character I hadn’t thought to research yet, and found that not only was he a voice in My Hero- but he also voiced a main character in Kaguya- Monoma from class B (annoying guy lol) shares the same voice actor as Ishigami- I never would have linked those characters as having the same voice since they’re practically polar opposite lol

Ariel Causey

And you may be right about the reason you gave for people thinking less of season 4- Bakugo and Icyhot are both huge fan favorite characters, and they were pretty much “extras” for the majority of season 4, save for the couple of episodes where they were up against elementary schoolers in their extra training haha