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The young troublemaker of the pride and his herd of guilty pleasures neither heard nor saw the King as he approached. Looming over the spectacle before him, the king watched silently, unable to believe his eyes. A male lion, a potential future pride leader, willfully submitting to mere prey animals was more than taboo: It was grounds for severe and through punishment, possibly even exile...


It was the Zebras who first noticed the larger male towering over their forbidden soiree, but it was too late to halt their impending climaxes. The King's pride stirred in its sheath, quickly tempering his disgust at the behavior before him into embarrassment as he recognized the thrill it sent through his body. Perhaps the younger male's punishment could be administered in a way that serviced this new, freshly-risen need...


Here's the $6 version and the rest of the mini-story for y'all! 

Thanks to everyone for your continued support, and enjoy!

(I feel like this is needless to say but in case there are some of you on here who don't know me well enough to be sure: All characters in this image and every other image I have ever or will ever create are adults.)




Amazing work as always. But. Is there a reason that you never show ejaculation IN the ass? Sometimes we don't even see penetration D: Is this preferred by your audience?


You draw arms so well! Some of the best.


Wow, this is so goddamn hot, love the expressions on their faces and their designs are SO good!


Will the Be higher res versions?