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1 news.

I have completed work on this mod ( HDT HairPack for Skyrim LE... 1.50 )

This work was important to me. I wanted to share it with you.

But I also understand that I use assets that do not belong to me. And this is not very good!

Now I want to ask my patrons what to do with this mod? I have two options:

1) Make it publicly available.

2) Delete it permanently

Please write about it here in the comments what you think.

2 news.

The next step in creating hairstyles will be 2 directions:

1) KS Hairdos hairstyles - which are sure to be free at the end of the project!

2) Creating your own hairstyles (I gradually collect sketches and make sketches) - these will be Anime hairstyles, unusual and mostly with pigtails.






people giving grief about assets? Do what many others do, post to patreons but let the post unlock to the public in a week or two. This is also helpful if there are problems with the mod, that way you patreons can inform you before the mod ends up getting downloaded by thousands. As far as assets go, i don't see anything wrong with giving to patreons a week or two weeks before making it public. I consider it a testing phase and since the mod will be public then you are not selling other mod authors assets.. you are only providing a service.. i hope this makes sense and best wishes :)


I also like 2 creating new assets.. I love KS hair but it has been done to death.. The holiday hair has some newer styles that look really nice though.


For something done to death, there's very little of it that's been made to work with HDT overall and its worked with exactly because so many people have used it and found the hairs that have become significant for their characters.


1. Make It public free because as u said some assests are not your own. 2. I suggest KS, there are free and easy to get, and in the meantime while u work on these u can do quick sketches on your original hair style so u can start have material for an eventually future realese.


Why not make it public? The only restriction is not using the assets in paid mods. So while there is an HDT version of KS, it's nowhere near as good as yours. It's actually kind of bad. And by making it public, you'd be in compliance, though shooting a message to Kalilies to confirm might be a good idea.


1. yeah make it free


1-It will be a pity if such a wonderful mod will be deleted. (Будет жаль если такой замечательный мод будет удален)


Go ahead... Delete it


Меня осведомили не так давно,о "политике" на патреоне,мол если "стал патроном,то будь им до конца",если прерываешь поддержку - здесь такое рассматривается как предательство... Я часто прекращал быть поддержкой для тебя Артём,по сему вероятно ты зол на меня или вовсе можешь сказать что-то вроде "ты кто такой я тебя не знаю" - это твоё право и т.д. Но еще давно у меня было желание хотя бы раз тебя отблагодарить за шмотки,что я и сделал...Дальше прошу простить я не лямы лопатой кидаю. Если позволишь отвечу на данный пост : Собственное потраченное время на ветер ? Раз ты пытаешься на этом хоть что то заработать - реклама никогда не мешала,то что ты сделаешь фришкой - когда нибудь зачтётся. Твои шмотки что ты клепал и клепаешь - уже везде и всюду,теги Dint999 на каждом маломальски известном забугорном сайте.Тебя уже запомнили как качественного автора одежды\брони и главное всегда с адекватной и рабочей физикой,почему бы и не объявить о себе как о умельце,который работает также и с причёсками. Выпусти на свободу,хуже от этого тебе не будет.


It's probably best to make it free, also you are doing good with the KS Hairdos, and I'm looking forward to unique and anime hairstyles (if I see something good I'll link it to you :D)

Ahegao Comics

I would say to make it public. I would be a shame to see this only spread about by small groups of people if it were deleted.


I hope that you make it public and also that you continue to update it since it is probably my favorite collection of hairs in skyrim!


I hope you can make it public <3


Тогда делай прически бесплатными, незачем такому пропадать. По второму пункту, я бы хотел увидеть новые прически...


Deep breath, everything will be ok. :) First I'll ask: Have you been in contact with the actual author(s) of the assets you're using at all? Communication is key, especially when it comes to letting someone know that you're not stealing their stuff. Next, the way I see it is if Author #1 wants their mods to be free, than they should always remain free. However, if Author #1 also allows Author #2 to use their assets for whatever they want to do with them as long as it's not exactly the same mod as it was before, then it's free game. It's no longer up to Author #1 to decide if Author #2 should make a profit or keep it free.


No, unfortunately I was unable to contact any of the authors. = ((

John Sayle

if you made a good faith effort to contact the authors but simply couldn't reach them, I'd say release them publicly and consider deleting only if the original author contacts you and asks you to.


I hope that you can continue working on this 1 will be a wise choice

Alex Bee

Like others have mentioned remove if the original artist asks you to. Also give lots and lots of credit .

Alex Bee

For part two of the news I am excited either way, I love your work . I really liked one of the most recent releases the long wavy hair with buns

Alex Bee

Also if you make anime hair I would totally love long hair with hime bangs :-)


Если вы считаете. что выбирать между удалением и общей публикацией, то наверно лучше общая. Хотя, конечно жаль, что вообще возникли мысли удалить :( А по второй новости, если есть возможность и желание, то есть некоторые волосы, которые я бы очень хотела увидеть. Например Байонетта, все длинные волосы, аниме девочек. Прям реально длинные до талии, до бедер или пола. Или еще из Сейлор мун(опять таки - это прекрасный ход и в плане того, что некоторые придут именно скачать их и оформить подписку :3), Если необходимо более подробно, то я готова скинуть даже с картинками вам на в лс на сайте геймс мод)


Making it publicly available would be the best option if you ask me. For hairstyles I’d love to help with some sketches.


If you have any requests for hairstyles, you can send them to me in a personal message. I can consider them.


OK! Thank you all for your words and advice. I will listen to them. Mod will be freely available =)


1 make it public


dont delete it please


Hmm ... design is fine, but the hair seems to be too rough. I'd like you to make it look like ks hair.

The Exit Strategy

This. The general aesthetic is very nice, but feels a little rough. Either way, good job and thank you for your amazing work.


Definitely keep it free! If any assets are used without permission (like from Daz or a game), you could get in trouble. But that's likely if it looks like you're making money from their work, which you're not. Your BDO mods have been safe so far. It's highly possible you'll be fine. Just give credit and a disclaimer. But KS Hairdos ones would be 100% safe as those are open permissions. :) Thank you for your hard work!


I really love the Hair pack so far. It keeps Skyrim interesting and Fun. You are doing some pretty Amazing work on all of your Projects. I would keep it ^~^


than make it public and continue the work on it !


Привет. Твои работы замечательны, и многие их знают и узнают. Если интересно мое мнение то стоит опубликовать текущую версию сборки везде от своего имени и продолжать делать еще более интересные вещи (тем более что предыдущие версии уже расползлись по сети). Если нужна будет помощь в портировании на Специальную версию я уже говорил что всегда могу помочь (gamer-mods привет:)) Идей для причесок можно собрать много, но талантливых умов и рук мало :) А учиться уже нет времени. Если интересно это все обсудить напиши мне, что нибудь придумаем. Спасибо тебе за качественную и красивую работу, это просто как глоток свежего воздуха. Удачи!


Make it public, that way the work won't go to waste, and all of the community can enjoy it. :)


Are your mods ported to SSE?


Make it publicly available


This is easily the best hair mod ever released for Skyrim. Thank you for sharing it.


please keep it,Allow more players can enjoy it,thank for your work


Never delete great work! Let more enjoy it.

Nikita Sivko

But why no love for SSE? It supports HDT phhhysics..


I have noticed you used KS hairdos and places it behind a paywall. THIS is not oke!! Being both page moderator of the mod on nexus and close friends of both the mod authors, they are not happy nor pleased you took their mod and placed it behind a fee. It doesn't matter if you added HTD to it, it is still not your work entirely. Make it either publicly for everyone to enjoy or remove the KS hairs entirely. This is shady practice. Otherwise we will make a DMCA claim.


Hey. You, as a moderator, seem not to notice the many forbidden mods that you post on your site. (for example, Nier Automata) I'm not sure that you have the right to do this. And this is not the only one. I will not make excuses. What I do is work, and you should understand this. At the very beginning, I said that at the end of the project I would make it publicly available on KS Hairs hairstyles and everyone would be able to download it, besides there were about 2 weeks left. Otherwise, I just delete all this, and nothing good will come of it. I tried to warn the authors about this, but there is no way to do it. !!! (I can't write them on Nexus) I am not going to confer fame on myself, and I am not a conflicted or greedy person. But if you are a friend of the authors of the KS Hairs mod, maybe you will give me some way to finally contact them?


I'd love it if you'd be open to creating hairs from sketches and anime. I have a few ideas.


im a few weeks to late but if it is at all possible to ask the mod authors about your use and all that you have done, do that. Beyond all that you have put serious hours behind each mod you have made. As a patron who loves hair mods, I worship yours. Yes KS has an original owner and technically should be free but the laws of Copyright still apply. You have done more than a 40% difference to their mod. You have brought a higher quality version to the modding community. Honestly it is yours. If you think you should make it public, do it. However deleting it won't do you any good. All those days you spent scrunched over in a chair face glued to a computer screen to make something that would make the many happy should never be a forgotten memory. Please don't delete but do talk to the mod authors if they are willing. If not, make this gem free. Make a better mod anyway. you are an absolute god when it comes to hair mods and physics. I like your original over anything KS or SG you have made. Make those paid. I don't mind. Keep it up Dint and stay strong


Would love it to be publicly available! Love your work!


Hi Dint999, are you still active or are your projects already finished?


Where can I find the link of this mod?

Kara Jayne

Hi Dint, make this work public. I know you don't want to claim it as your own work just allow everyone to download it free and say about the mod authors when you make the posting. That way if any of the authors see it they can get in touch with you and you can either get their permission or remove the disputed hairs. Wonderful work, the best I've ever seen for Skyrim though I've seen better in Lara Croft, maybe different systems, I don't know, I just love your work !


if this is still something you're debating, I would ask you to make it public. You'll attract new patrons and share something wonderful with the community.