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I'm so sorry about this, guys, and I hate that I have to say it, but I'm going to have to delay the release of the next game update to Wednesday. The new character I'm adding has some unique mechanics that is taking longer to code than I had originally anticipated, despite working all day on it for several days now.

Again, I'm sorry. I really am trying to get this new update out to you as soon as possible.



dont stress about it. get it out when its ready


Your health is more important + if TF2 players can wait god knows how long for an update, we can wait an extra week. BTW on the update after the next could you add an achievement window somewhere to show us what achievements we have and what we are yet to unlock. As us Mac users don't have the option to see them on steam like the PC users.


There already is an achievement window in-game. There's a button in the upper right corner in the main menu that opens it. ;3


Just subscribed. So links to the update dl's are sent to out e-mails? BTW I love this game I am not much of a gamer usually. But yeah I am super absorbed in this... *pun intended I guess*


Also def understandable. Take your time do what you need to. So much content is rushed and ends up having issues. So yeah you do you and keep creating what you love