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So I know I was supposed to release a new update for the game (even if it would've been tiny) yesterday, but my plans ended up changing. What I had planned on doing last Thursday was to go through a bunch of royalty free music in order to put together a soundtrack for the game, but then I got a message from UPS saying that they were going to deliver a package between 1PM and 5PM, and a message from the postal service saying that they were going to deliver one between 5PM and 10PM. Given how finicky they've been in the past (if they so much as suspect that no one is home, they'll claim that no one was there to receive the packages), I wasn't able to get much done that day.

Once they had made their deliveries, however, I had everything I needed to rebuild the computer with a new motherboard. So I spent all of Friday doing just that. Then, after plugging everything in, I switched the computer on and... I got the same exact problem as before. No signal to the monitor.

I spent the rest of my Friday evening having a nervous breakdown. And I spent the day yesterday recovering from that.

So yeah, I'm now back to square one trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong.

If any of you wish to help me troubleshoot the computer, I recorded the debug display on the motherboard (at the end of the video it gets stuck on 'A0', but after a while it proceeds to 'd7', and then after another while 'b4'): https://youtu.be/Lwt-zievhNM

Here's the user manual for the motherboard (it's an ASRock WRX80 Creator). The debug codes can be found on page 38: https://download.asrock.com/Manual/WRX80%20Creator.pdf



How are you connecting to your monitor?


With a HDMI cable from the GPU to the monitor. I also have a VGA to HDMI adapter which I tried using to connect the motherboard directly to the monitor.

Rath Archangel

So AO reads as the boot test is complete and is a non error code meaning it's just normal post procedure... According to Tom's hardware site. The other two refer to issues with your keyboard and USB connection issues... Do you have them plugged in properly and when you installed the motherboard double check your USB pin and locations cuz if I'm correct it could be a simple fix for those. As for the monitor issue it could be a issue with 2 mismatched gpus... Try this for trouble shooting Step 1 remove one of the gpus and try to boot if it works then do the same for the second gpu if they both run on their own then they are incompatible together

Draconics Inc

According to the manual, your board has an integrated video card. Try connecting a monitor to it (via VGA) and power up the device without anything attached to it except for the CPU and the monitor. Remove everything that is not essential such as the GPU, disk drive, and any external connected ports (like the USB ports at the front). Also remove all RAM modules except for one. See if you get any output on the monitor, or if the debug codes change. If you do not get an output, I suspect something might be off with the RAM module or the CPU.

Reeka Lina

Update the BIOS. A good rule of thumb is whenever you use AMD you're most likely going to have to update the bios for display. However, since this board does support AMD Threadripper Pro natively, this shouldn't be such a hassle like before. When doing it only use 1 stick of ram and have the GPU in the highest available slot. . I prefer to use Intel so as to not bottleneck systems and because Intel is more compatible with other brands and doesn't tend you cause problems like this as much as AMD tends to. Also, you seem to be spending a lot on motherboards that you don't bring out the full potential of. I mean you should really only be getting a board like that if all RAM slots will be full and you have the capability to mount your GPUs vertically. There is the link to the bios update https://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/WRX80%20Creator/#BIOS