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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

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-Jasmine should no longer be repeatedly asking you if you want to be let out while in her stomach.

-If Unpredictable Preds is turned on, there's now a 10% chance that Jasmine will eat you while you're feeding her, and a 50% chance that she'll eat you if you fail to sate her hunger on your first try.

-There is now a chance, based on your Luck attribute, that you'll fall into Jasmine's mouth while you're feeding her.

-If Unpredictable Preds is turned on, there is now a 20-38% chance that Jasmine will eat you while you're sleeping, depending on her hunger.



Found a little bug. After jasmine eats you in bed the stats and top buttons don't show until after you get out.


Lol living with Jasmine is literally walking into the lion's den now. I think because of how often she'll eat you now she needs to be easier to get out of. Living with her you're guaranteed to miss a month real-time. Also her eating you in your sleep scene is awesome. Hopefully every character can get a scene like that. Elaine should do that if you sleep in her bed without asking and she dislikes you and you're in her bed.


I have found a fun mode for me is unpredictable pred, easy escape, and 5 hour digestion. Can still escape most cases but if you pass out you are done. Really fun to drink with elaine like this. sometimes you pass out and next thing is her with new curves not knowing who she ate.


Had a couple incidents where blacking out inside another pred caused the Jasmine devouring you in your sleep event to fire.

Thundera Shineboom

Oh...I thought there would be a Sigrid related update... Jasmine again


You say that like it's a bad thing. ;) (Yes, I know it's a bug. :P )


The "Jasmine sleep scene" is amazing! Easily once of my favorites so far. I do wish there were a few more interactions during it, specifically covering an "I'm into this" tone. But wow!


I am curious if jasmine is the only pred so far that’s effected by the unpredictable preds option, I haven’t tried it so I’m kinda in the dark with how it effects preds at present.


New Jasmine update lets gooooo

Troy Villa

Would like to move Catalina or Sigrid home have more interaction, possible an AV with Catalinathe rent isn’t expensive like Jasmine’s but it’s not cheap like Eleine’s, probably is about $1,500-$2000


I’ve been trying to get some AV endings in the game , can anyone tell me what I need to do to achieve this?


AV is all jasmine, either in the shower with a relationship below like 60ish, can’t remember, where you do anything with her ass but soap rinse and move on, or when you’re watching tv and jasmine sits on you. You can’t ask her to sit on you, you won’t get AV. She’ll start to sit on you, and you have to try to duck out from under her. Then it’s 50-50 which hole you end up in. Oh yeah and you have to have anal vore enabled on your save.


Would love to see eleine try to unbirth you after eating her out