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I got some more bad news (I guess this just isn't my year, huh?). :/

My desktop computer is either dead or dying.

Honestly, this is kind of a long time coming, since I'm pretty sure the motherboard was faulty from the start, which has caused various issues throughout the system for as long as I've had this machine.

So yeah... I'm going to have to dig into my savings and buy a new PC. I should be able to reuse some of the old one's components (mainly the graphics card), so that ought so save me some money.

Even so... this sucks. :(

I still have my laptop, though, so I can still continue working on the game. But I won't be able to make any new art or art assets for a while.

To everyone who's stuck with me so far: I'm so sorry all of this is happening, and I'm so incredibly appreciative of how patient and understanding you've been. <3


Reeka Lina

Hope everything starts to look up soon. Hang in there.

Ver min

Depending upon the kind of computer you want/need. You can buy parts on amazon for a decent price and pay someone to put it together for you if you don't know how to do that yourself. This is me basically offering any additional help.


did you break a mirror earlier this year or something?


Nah. Dude broke a mirror while a black cat crossed his path under a ladder.

Red Dusty Dino

Good luck acquiring a new computer mate, and you might want to look into curse breaking I feel like someone mighta hex ye with the bad luck. Hope things get better for you soon!


Your content is amazing and worth every penny and time. You do you, we will be here eagerly waiting.