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So sorry for the delay, y'all. Hopefully the wait was worth it. ^w^;;

Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Downloads (Copy-Paste the links!)

Here are download links for PC and Linux



And here are download links for MAC




-Added Jen & Bessie's Ice Cream Parlor as a new visitable location.

-Added Bessie the cow, who can be found selling ice cream at Jen & Bessie's Ice Cream Parlor.

--Note that Bessie will be very hard to increase your relationship with just small talk. It's much more effective to buy ice cream from her and then compliment her on it. However, this only works once per day.

--Once you manage to befriend Bessie, you'll unlock more scenes with her.

-Added a number of scenes for Bessie, including vore, breastfeeding, and ice cream making.

-Relationships will now deteriorate slightly every day unless they're already negative. However, your relationship with a predator won't deteriorate while you're inside of them.



Love Most of the update, The new ice cream parlor, But a option to turn the relationship deterioration off would be nice for a more relaxed playthrough, Started new save and trying to even get more then one of them is a good bit more difficult now and makes it a lot more of a balancing act with preds & work, But its a awesome mechanic at same time for a challenge run or hard core min max run of the game! Love all mechanics so far and love the work and time you spend on this game~ <3


I haven't dowloaded it yet, but... Are you going to create a cutscene of Sigrid's apartment and the player can move in with her, the giraffe?


Noticed a slight bug with the inventory on this update, when I get lottery tickets the tooltip/description for the tickets stays on my screen forever (went through an entire day and saved and loaded, only going to a previous save removed the popup). I'll mess around with it more to see if there are more details I can find.


It goes away when I look at any other inventory item so it seems to be isolated to unscratched tickets (looking at the scratched one (also did peptic tablets) overwrote the text and went away when you stop hovering over it like it should.


Ok it does not seem to be item specific. Whenever you click any item the tooltip stays even after you close the Use/Discard/Cancel box and does not go away until you hover (not click) over any item in your inventory. Trigger: Clicking/Selecting an Item from you inventory Workaround: look at another item in inventory after selecting an item.

Peyton Shaffer

Dont know of its a glitch or not but i still havent ran into jasmine with prey in her belly yet, everytime i ask her she says not at the moment, i even started a new character and all she wanted to do was eat me, she never had a big full belly either, just a flat tummy and thats it so idk if im just unlucky or what not. Now maybe some ideas for the game is maybe adding some new dialogue when in a preds stomach like when your in elaines belly and shes at work and your in the inside view maybe have some dialogue with elaine at work and she is talking to another patient and maybe coments on her belly saying wow youve gained some weight and elaine maybe makes a comment like oh its just some roomate fun or maybe she is walking around and says shes not quit uae to walking aroind with the new weight or maybe she rubs you through her belly asking how your doing in there or things alomg those lines, Bessie could after she eats you could go back out to the shop to sell ice cream tonother people and when your in her belly she bumps her belly into the table and tells the guest sorry not use to the big belly or tries to make icecream and makes a mess and tries to clean it up but cant cause you know big belly and again asks how your doing in there. Beatrice god i cant wait for more content for her, shes my favorite pred, maybe make her a stripper in the game and have a vore night and askes if she can eat you for her job and she will pay you if you agree and while your in her belly you can hear the music and the crowd cheering amd you just get moved around and such while she dances and such then at the end of the night she can ask if you want out or just stay the night inside amd she will let you outnin the am. Jasmine and sigrid are good for now but maybe when your in any of theirnbellies and there at the bar maybe have them have random convos with people in the bar and they make some comment about you in their belly like they are a friend or they are your favorite meal, same at the park they can talk to random people at the park and maybe they say something about you or rub you by rubbing their belly or womb and such, idk maybe with jasmine when she either eats you ornunbirths you maybe she calls a lover while your in her belly or womb and again you get moved aroind while shes fooling aroind with saidnperson, idk this to me can give the game a lil more realistic feeling with the preds. Love the game keep it up!!!

Jamie McMillan

I have the exact same glitch, although it applies to any item I use (bandages and ointment included). I need to look at another item in my inventory afterwards to get rid of it

Jamie McMillan

I find the deteriorating relationships more of a stressful feature than a fun one, it turns the game into a juggling act of relationships. And with hard to level up preds like Bessie, it can make improving their relationship very costly in terms of lost relationship with Elaine and Sigrid (especially when Elaine's work schedule can make socialising with her hard to plan) I would honestly prefer an option to disable it at the beginning of the game, as it makes the game unnecessarily hard. Plus I have best friends from years ago that I still meet and have an instant rapport with, so I don't think not talking to someone for a couple of weeks should turn them from besties to acquaintances. An idea for this mechanic to be less punishing would perhaps be that it will not reduce a relationship below certain thresholds once crossed. For example, once you become Elaine's best friend, it will never deteriorate below that level. Likewise, once you gain emergency snack status on Bessie, then you can shift focus to other characters without going back to 0 within a week. Another idea could be that different friendship levels require different forms of bonding to advance. For example, small talk would work well when you first meet, but more intimate bonding like being eaten or sex would be needed later on. This would make advancing the relationship a changing dynamic that requires increasing commitment later on to achieve.

Jamie McMillan

I concur, conversations from inside pred's bellies would be a very nice feature <3


i agree with this i am severly struggling to make any progress with anyone

Jamie McMillan

I had to make my character 15 charisma just to have a chance, and even then it's a bit of a slog at times.


A slight bug, nothing game-breaking, that I noticed is that the description will stay on screen when selecting an item in your inventory. Its easily fixed by going back into your inventory and scrolling over other items. Jut something I wanted to bring up.


Relationship deterioration is very much unneeded in a game like this.


Would forced non-fatal scenes take place? For example being used as a toy and left inside for the night, or having either random or certain characters seeking you out now and then, just to keep you in them for a day or 2, with no digestion happening?

Stephenus Maximus

I like it. Would definitely like to see more of Bessie (maybe some first-person nursing scenes), would like to actually see the scene when Jasmin has a belly full of someone else, would like to see that dynamic built upon. I'm not personally a fan of the relationship deterioration thing (perhaps have it optional), but overall I really like it. Keep up the good work.


Just wondering, would it be possible to give preds the tablets you can buy at the supermarket? That way, they could take them to stop them from digesting the player, and the player could spend more time inside them Also with Unbirth, not sure if it's a bug or not but choosing "Digestion/absorbtion" still makes the player get tired very quickly. Do the packets/tablets affect unbirth too?