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Hi, y'all. I'm unfortunately back with some more bad news. I am so sorry things keep happening. :(

So last Tuesday, my stepdad had a pretty serious heart attack and has been in the hospital since. My mom is disabled and because this was so abrupt I had to take some time to help her out, which meant that I unfortunately wasn't able to work on this week's pin-up or the game. :/

Thankfully, this shouldn't affect my work next week, so the next update for the game is still scheduled for next Saturday. It just won't have as much as I had originally planned on adding.

Again, I'm so sorry for the lack of content this week. :(



Don't apologize, some things are just out of our control, take all the time you need to help out your family, and Hope your father does well and your mother

Jess Taylor

Don't worry about the game, make sure everything is fine irl first we're fine waiting for a little longer

Pickle Surprise

I hope for the best with their situation. Take all the time you need

Marcus Lindahl

You don’t have to apologize, you need to focus on you and your family ofc!!


Dude. if you need to take 6 months to deal with that situation, I doubt anybody would fault you for that. Take as long as you need.


Hey man. You got a family to take care. Which in my opinion, and everyone here, is what comes first than us. You take care until you are good and ready to continue.

V Man

Take care of your fam and yourself man, take all the time you need.


Oh geez! I hope everything works out. Take the time you need, family comes first. *Hugs.*


Family first chief, take care of you and yours, we will be here when things resolve. Thoughts and prayers <3

Baz Yat

RL and family first dude