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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

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And here are download links for MAC




-You will no longer get stuck in a loop while in Sigrid's hot tub.

-You should no longer get stuck in a death loop where you keep passing out (not 100% sure about this, though, since I'm unable to replicate the bug).

-It is now possible to unresign yourself to fate.

-You will no longer get stuck in a pred's intestines while she's in the process of letting you out (I thought it was a neat mechanic, but given how many have complained about it, I decided to disable it).



Kind of a shame about the removal of that mechanic. Getting stuck deliberately was a solid 90% of the reason I chose the back way out, tbh. I'd love to see it readded as a girl deliberately keeping you in her backside or something of the like, but... Might be worth keeping an old version just in case. Oh, and the Sigrid stuff is great, look forward to seeing her development advance~


Maybe in the next update you can add being stuck in the intestines an feature that you can turn off and on

Shiny Umbreon

Getting stuck was cool, but not when the pred was intentionally trying to let you out. Maybe keep it but only for when the pred isnt trying to let you out?

Rune Petersen

it seems when unbirthed and one keeps kicking the walls around you (in sigrid) i think she cums or something, but the game just shows some errors and skips it


Is there a bug? I mean I am not sure, but since the update with Elaine, I can't have more then helping her Honry Go away..nothing after that? Is that Maybe combined with the New Part with Sigrid's addon?


Where is elaine's relationship value stored? I think it's bugged and I can't seem to fix it normally by doing nice things. It's like it rolled over or something.