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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Downloads (Copy-Paste the links!)

Here are download links for PC and Linux

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/duwc6llcaadxfcj/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.10.1-pc.zip?dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/TQAVTShJ#4bRFrRVMcJvDjDCtczpOtwnX5r3WSgGi1GWZQ2mpTP0

And here are download links for MAC

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3nkhrxbyrp5wktq/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.10.1-mac.zip?dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/3EZDHaxR#mpYz-q6YNRwALSSayKRKpfkAGpkGMwKvI7bie61Yr9Q


-You will no longer get stuck talking to Jasmine as if she's drinking with you.

-As her roommate, there's now a chance that Jasmine asks you to drink with her any day of the week.

-Elaine is yet more consistent in how she behaves after drunkenly voring you.

-Rent will no longer accumulate while you're staying inside of a predator.

-Your roommate will no longer ask you to pay rent immediately after letting you out of their belly.

-Some other minor fixes.


Shiny Umbreon

Being able to see how a pred lives their life while you rest in their belly all day/night is honestly really interesting and neat. Would be really cool if you could expand on that later down the road, like the pred addressing you in there or even changing up what they do/where they go if youre inside of them. Hell, maybe even have preds who are into that and will specifically help to keep you healthy in there to prolong your stay as much as possible?


for the car how do you do it? or not yet


I've tried making the full 3000 to pay Jasmine so I don't have to constantly do the feeding stuff, but even when I do that, Jasmine sometimes comes out of nowhere and says she's going to eat me cause there isn't enough food in the fridge, forcing me to either game over or waste more money! I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but it is kind of annoying with how little you make already per day.


Nooooo I like that!!!! NOOO WHYYY!!! It's happens to me but I was thinking its just that she eat a lot from the fridge them she comes to catch her emergenc snack ( player )Ç.Ç


I just find it annoying on my end, since it leads pretty much to a dead end if I don't have the money to deal buy her enough take out.


about the money yes but I kinda like it? Her coming to eat me, teasing me, threatening me to please her or else >//<. Err... anyway Well in another hand, she doesn't do that all the time. Even if I stay in home all the time


One time when I was playing the 1000 jasmine home save; And I just moved and payd the 1000 to her in the next day I prepared the breakfest but she's not satisfied so I call for some pizza or whatever but I dont have much money left but she kept saying that she was insatiate. So I keep calling fast food until my money all gone them she eat me. I was like " omg tha was so hot"


I was thinking " omg she triked me, I come to her home, I payd her alot and them she eat me" Im so fucked up sorry kkk but I really love it


Elaine still seems to keep changing her mind after saying no to letting you out, perhaps take away the "ask to be let out" after she says no? Because otherwise all you have to do is ask to be let out a second time and she'll let you out.


Sigrid in the tracksuit is so cute, I'm just sorry there is no way to see her on a "full stomach"!


Found a bug I'm not sure If anybody else reported It before but after being Ub by Jasmine my energy was dropping to 0 after any action and I was passing out from exhaustion. After being let out game decided to make me faint few more times making all my needs hit 0 instantly.


So I had a stupid massive reply and decided it was rude to make all these crazy requests and demands so here is a much smaller and more sane handful of suggestions. - Bug: Money can have way too many decimal places. This value should be truncated or rounded to the nearest 100th at the end of each time cycle. - Bug: It's kind of silly that Elaine treats you like you walked in on her if you happen to be showering right before she goes to shower. I have some more elaborate suggestions to follow up on that in the replies to this comment. - Feature request: Obviously you're working on shower scenes with Jasmine, but I have some thoughts on ways to make it more interactive and unpredictable than Elaine. Also putting that insane rambling in the reply comments if you care to read them. Today's theme is showers. :U - Feature request: Even more aggressive randomness with some preds because I really like unwilling vore. :>


STUPID MASSIVE REPLY TIME WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Again these are just assorted requests, not demands, and possibly too complicated to be in the game any time soon. But I like rambling so here we go. Elaine shower stuff elaboration: So you choose to shower. At the end of the 30 minute time jump, it's now Elaine's turn to shower, but you're already in the shower! Here is what could happen and why... - If Elaine likes you enough, she'll ask to join you. If you accept, it's the current shower and smut scene which will last another half-hour. If you refuse, she'll instead just ask you nicely to not take too long, because she needs to bathe too. - If Elaine doesn't like you, she'll knock on the door and tell you to hurry up, complaining less patiently that she needs to bathe too. - When you either refuse to let Elaine shower with you or if Elaine knocks at the door, then Elaine is going to be waiting her turn to shower. If you leave the bathroom after completing your shower, then Elaine will immediately be in the shower the next time you go into the bathroom, even without you doing anything to advance time. This results in the normal interactions we have already. - If Elaine is waiting to shower but you do NOT leave the bathroom and instead just shower again, then Elaine will bang on the door. This time she will complain no matter what your relationship is, stating that you are hogging the shower. If you leave the room, then Elaine will shower like described above, albeit at a later time than she normally would. - If you STILL don't leave the shower and just shower a third time, then Elaine just barges in and eats you. Whether you can then just ask to be let out depends entirely on existing mechanics. Either way you're going in her gut. Might also slightly impact her mood toward the player negatively, since you really didn't need to shower for an hour and a half.


Jasmine shower stuff (WARNING: I PUT WAY TOO MUCH THOUGHT INTO THIS AND THUS TYPED AN ABSURD AMOUNT): So I figure a shower scene is eventually coming with Jasmine, but I personally don't feel like Jasmine would care too badly about you walking in on her unless she's in a bad disposition towards you. I also I bet Jasmine loves being pampered. Practically speaking, it's probably difficult to wash her big body. I think Jasmine's intentions of showering with the player will usually if not always be motivated by the player washing her, rather than just showering together for the lewds like with Elaine. Here are those ideas relevant to that line of thinking... - If you walk in on Jasmine, her reaction depends on mood and fullness. -- For context, think of it this way. If I were to program it, and unfair preds is turned on, then I would make an equation that goes [Fullness + MoodTowardsPlayer - (Drunkness*2) = JasmineFairness]. Assuming Fullness, Mood, and Drunkness all top out at 100, then Jasmine's fairness in this situation maxes out at 200, but you only need to pass 100 to be safe from her ignoring your feelings about it. Drunkness value is multiplied by two because I figure that being sufficiently drunk will cancel out even your best chances. For example: If you have 40 Fullness, 20 mood, 5 drunk, then there's about a 50% chance Jasmine will give a shit what your opinions are. - If Jasmine is stuffed, she'll always want you to help wash her. You can say no. Whether she LETS you say no or whether she grabs you and smothers you under her sopping wet gut depends on the above equation. - If Jasmine is only slightly full, it's a 50% chance she'll ask you to join her at all. If she does, reference the bullet point above. If she doesn't, reference below. - If Jasmine's stomach is empty, then she doesn't really care that you're in the room with her, and thus won't ask you to join her unless she especially likes you or especially dislikes you. If she likes you, you can ask to join her and Jasmine will happily oblige you if you wash her. She just likes being washed. If she dislikes you, THIS is a situation where Jasmine might tell you to get out of her bathroom, but I had a possibly better idea with that. - If Jasmine dislikes you or maybe even just barely likes you, regardless of fullness, she will always tell you, "Oh, perfect timing. Make yourself useful and get in here." Refusing makes her get into the shower makes her say something like, "I wasn't asking." And then forcefully strip you before pulling you into the shower. If this happens, you may be in trouble. Your disposition with Jasmine is already bad enough that she is super likely to eat you, and if she's on an empty stomach, she might not even bother having you wash her first and just eat you on the spot before washing herself. Or maybe it's another dice roll to decide if she wants you to wash her, or if she just wants to eat. On the other hand if she has some food in her stomach, then you get to wash her, which improves her disposition, but that equation I mentioned still rolls the dice after you rinse off to decide whether Jasmine thinks you did a good enough job to go uneaten. - If you are showering when Jasmine attempts to shower thus walking in on you, then unlike Elaine, Jasmine will probably just invite herself to join you whether you like it or not. It's HER house, after all! - Jasmine is going to start washing herself regardless, but now the above possible demands will happen from the perspective of inside the shower. If Jasmine asks you to wash her, but you don't want to (and she LETS you have that choice), then she gives you the option to stay and keep washing or to leave. -- If you leave, you leave. If you don't leave, throw the dice again based on that equation I gave. Fail the RNG and she won't eat you right away, but she WILL threaten you that watching you wash is making her mouth water. If you refuse to leave, throw the dice yet again. Fail this time, and she eats you. Succeed and you could get a big relationship boost because she respects your sheer boldness. -- If you shower with her (or are forced to) then your shower takes an extra half-hour. - In any situation where Jasmine isn't giving you a choice about washing her, you can try to slip away while you're both all soapy. Success or failure depends on athletic skill, but it's a little more forgiving than other athletic checks. Succeed, and you get away. Fail, and you get smothered unconscious under Jasmine's boobs or stomach depending on how full she is. Either way, the attempt is going to hurt your relationship. Hurt it enough and you'll wake up in her stomach instead of on the floor. - Trying to fuck Jasmine in the shower while her opinion of you isn't great will result in anything from a stern warning to being crushed under her weight until you black out. And probably you get eaten.


Finally stuff not relating to shower scenes, including at least one bug. - Jasmine being assertive and even forceful overall about what she wants with you is adored. I don't know how far you plan to go with her personality, but forceful preds who don't care about your compliance is a very nice thing since I love unwilling vore. If not Jasmine, then definitely other preds. - Have we mentioned job-related vore scenes? I'm sure one of us have. :B - If predators are set to unpredictable, it would be fun to vary how predators behave at home, such as on days when they are not working. For example, different wake-up times, different showering times, different eating times, and maybe some special interactions based on where you are and what you're doing at the moment. Aside from the shower scenes, maybe you're unlucky enough to be in the kitchen when a roommate comes for a snack. For Jasmine, this might occur despite the fact that you may have paid 3,000 up front to not have to feed her.


@Flame & @Laika, Although I have yet to fully implement it, this is why I added the "Predictable Predators vs Unpredictable Predators" choice. Because both of you should be able to experience the game in the way you find most enjoyable.


Not sure how but I managed to break the stock market, every time I sell a stock I lose cash and I'm already in the negative lol.


ive not gotten Jasmin to offer me a drink and i have max relationship with her


You have to live with Jasmine and be in her living room at or after 6 PM, and she has to be at home.