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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

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-The "Drop" function now works in the Inventory screen, allowing you to permanently throw away items.

-Can no longer stay in the Gym, Library, or Supermarket indefinitely.

-The Stockbroker now only charges you $0.25 whenever you buy or sell a stock.

-Conversations will no longer bug out after talking to the Stockbroker.

-Jasmine is now much more likely to want both breakfast and dinner on feeding days.

-Changed the dialogue menus so that they're more compact and centered on the screen.

-Preds will no longer get mad at you for trying to escape their belly when drunk.

-Added unbirth, but it's currently only possible to escape via random chance, though it might also be possible to escape if you have extremely high stats and skills.

-Player will get the choice to enable or disable anal vore and unbirth upon starting a new game or loading an old one. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed without starting a new game.

-Player will also get to pick the game difficulty upon starting a new game or loading an old one. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed without starting a new game.

-Elaine's behaviour is now more consistent after drunkenly swallowing you.

-Player is now less likely to get stuck while in the intestines, unless they are playing on Impossible difficulty, in which case they are much more likely to get stuck.

-If you live with Jasmine, she might now ask you to drink with her on Fridays and Saturdays. This can lead to a vore scene, a sex scene, and an UB scene.

-Made some other minor bugfixes.



I know you said it is a chance, but what is the trigger to have a drinking scene with Jasmine?




Nice work Lone!!!! Now take a good rest and some wine bottle or if you prefer take some tea


It will usually trigger if Jasmine is home, you're in the living room, it's 6 pm or later, it's a Friday or Saturday, and you have at least a somewhat good relationship with her (the threshold is lower than what you need to move in with her).


This is a patch I'm super hype about, can't wait to give it a spin. Just curious, only Jasmine have UB? or will more pred be planned in the future XD


I think I got a bug, If you talk with Jasmine, and don't let her get either of her ways..before she eats/Vore you in any ways..You talk with her Like she is still drinking with you


Also in the womb there if you Struggle she sometimes aks if you really want to escape her Stomach

Marcus Lindahl

How do i get tje «sex» cene?

Marcus Lindahl

I have tried to talk tobjer atleast 80 times

Marcus Lindahl

Sorry for misspelling alot but my phone keyboard is so small that its anoying


Is there the UB scene only with Jasmine or is it also available with the other girls?

Bec Son

was kind of thinking for the feed jasmine food part maybe different foods have different time consumptions? like with dinner there are 1 hour foods but that takes a lot of time and barely feeds her, maybe instead of just making one of each make it a "stacking game" where you try to reach a certain amount of food while maintaining time so she doesn't eat you


You can only get UB'd by Jasmine as of now, but more preds will be able to do it in the future.

Bec Son

bug report, seems if you black out when drinking with jasmine at the apartment you teleport to her "old home" where its the old model home and when you try talking with her you only get the drinking options


Do you know what the chance for drinking with Jasmine is? I can't seem to get it to trigger despite hanging out in her living room all of Friday and Saturday.


Elaine still seems to be inconsistent after drinking, she will go right back to letting you out even after telling you she won't

John Doe

I'm having trouble getting to the jasmine UB. I live with her, have max rep, and have had her stay home from 6pm onwards on a few friday/saturdays, but I've yet to get UB. Could it be because I'm using a save from the prev version?


Small random question, how do you go down on Elaine? I did it once and never again


You have to watch tv alot either when she's there or not there, I got it when she wasn't there and kept watching tv


I get it consistently by arriving at her home at 6pm from somewhere else, like the park for example.


If you go sleep in Elaine's bed when she's not there, and you either have a very good relationship with her or at least a positive relationship with her + had sex with her before, there's a 1-5 chance that you get her sex scene.


Phenomenal update, the best one so far IMO but i do have a couple of questions. Is it possible to escape Jasmine's womb via kicking on "Challenging but fair"? I've tried with 18 strength 100 athletics and maximum health but it seems like I have to wait till Jasmine lets me go. The changelog says "though it might also be possible to escape if you have extremely high stats and skills." so I thought I'd ask. Also a suggestion, with "Nonfatal Entrapment" would it be possible to heal gradually like when your not in a stomach?


I have maxxed out stats.. and even with them.. you still have to wait untill Jasmine lets you out.. with the "challenging but fair" setting

Shadow Nightclaw

So I was a bit curious on the effects of predictable/unpredictable predators and how this affects things? Does unpredictable make it more random on if they decide to keep you? Or whether they'll try to eat the player when alone, such as hanging out in an apartment?


It basically gives you more agency in controlling whether or not you get vored. With unpredictable preds, some characters might just randomly eat you because they feel like it, whereas with predictable preds you typically need to meet certain conditions to trigger a vore scene.


I have found it extremely hard to trigger the scene with Jasmine, to the point it hasn't happened yet. Have taken all above suggestions on how to trigger it, but it hasn't appeared after several months of Friday/Saturday arrivals and talking and TV watching and everything I can think of after the 6pm mark. Sadface.

Rune Petersen

i love this new update, the toggleable options for unbirth are amazing, i love it! i can hardly wait for unbirth to be added to other preds, oh, but i do hope one is able to pleasure the preds to orgasm from inside in the future, perhaps give a special dialog responses from preds you are inside when you tease and pleasure them? perhaps make them more unwilling to let you out if you make them feel good?

Peyton Shaffer

Loving the ub so far, really hope this gets more added to it, cant wait to see the others do it and they has a preggo belly from it

Jameson Hawke

100% support a unbirth scene for Elaine in the shower.


how to get a vore scene when it's unpredictable or predictable to be eaten?

Shadow Nightclaw

Sounds rather nice. Is it when doing activities with them, such as watching TV/drinking, or when talking to them? Or even just being in the same area, such as when living with Elaine/Jasmine and player is just watching TV in the living room?


is the stock broker helping herself to your money then? as i did check how much was in my managed account....it was at $73000, then when i checked a week later, it was down to $51000....so, does that mean she is helping herself to it? i hope she is :) or, is it just how the market is on the day you check?


It basically gives you more agency in controlling whether or not you get vored. With unpredictable preds, some characters might just randomly eat you because they feel like it, whereas with predictable preds you typically need to meet certain conditions to trigger a vore scene.


It seems weird that resting causes energy to decrease, is that supposed to happen?


yeah, like I'd notice no matter what resting option I chose energy would go down for some reason, though more noticeable in bellies.


When you "rest" you take a breather and relax to either recover stamina or to have time pass while you're doing nothing. Energy still decreases when you rest, because it represents wakefulness/sleepiness. You can only regain energy by sleeping.


oh, that makes sense then, was just wanting to make sure


Bug report. When UB'd by Jasmine, every time I sleep, several days pass. The largest jump I noticed was in the realm of 40 days. She didn't willingly release me for several months, which naturally cost the job and put me behind on rent, for which I was eaten the moment I returned home. I didn't die of hunger despite not eating for that long, but everything else ticked along like normal.


I feel like the game definitely needs the ability to buy and sell stocks in multiples of 10 eg buy/sell 10/100/1000 and of course some sort of graph to see where the prices have gone up and down, instead of having to get an auto clicker and recording price changes in excel....although to be fair It's a vore game a larger variety of vore scenes should be the priority.


That's... that's not a bug, it's an intended game mechanic. :v Except for you being eaten immediately after due to being behind on rent. That one's a bug.


ok but for unpredictable preds, do i need to do someting like watching the tv or, taking a nap to trigger a vore scene?


what are the prerequisites for getting actual scenes with jasmine when drinking? every time i try i just drink with her until i pass out or leave voluntarily