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This week I worked on fixing a few bugs that had been reported. I also enabled the "Drop" function in the Inventory Screen. If you have a stack of items and choose "Drop", the game will let you input how many you want to throw away.

My main focus of this week, however, has been on adding unbirth. However, since unbirth is so unlike oral vore and AV, it's taking longer than I had anticipated to add it to the game (because it requires lots of coding and testing). It should be ready for the next update (October 30th), but this does mean that I may not have enough time to add that many other things to the game. :/

So the way unbirth (currently) works is that it fills your hunger bar (preventing you from starving to death) but rapidly drains your energy bar. Whenever you fall asleep in a pred's womb, you will stay asleep anywhere between 8 hours and 3 months (don't worry, your rent won't accumulate while you're in there). Every day you stay in the womb, you take a small amount of damage. Once your health reaches 0, you get absorbed (digested) by the pred. In the future, I might add some motherly preds who rebirth you instead, but this is how it will work for now.

Anyway, the unbirth mechanics are still very much a WIP, so feel free to share your thoughts.



never usually an unbirth fan but i really love how the mechanics are planned


Sounds pretty awesome to be honest looking forward to it


Definitely look forward to Elaine UB

Rune Petersen

i see, i hope there will be a function in the future to turn Unbirth damage off, so you are just trapped. glad unbirth is getting added tho

John Johnson

Will the exterior views have a different/lower belly bulge for the unbirthing scenes since you will be resting at a lower place inside?

Jess Taylor

Will it only be for certain preds or could all do it?


No. Not only would that be a lot of work (and render time) for something minor, but it would increase the file size of the game by a lot.

Ver min

In order to not change any preexisting preds or make too much work. You could have a predator that with a negative relationship will devour and digest the player as normally and with a positive relationship turns into a more 'motherly' predator. I think you specified endosoma as a no go for this world. So I think a predator that entraps the player in their womb with a positive relationship is a no go. But what I am thinking about is under the lines of health representing the character 'will to fight' or however when in the womb or something that is possibly what was always intended and I never saw it that way.

John Doe

Sounds awesome! I like that unbirth almost sounds more dangerous than OV/AV, depending on the pred. Do you think we’ll see willing AV/UB in the future? Such as an extension of fingering Elaine in the shower, possibly.

Red Dusty Dino

Good luck with developing the UB, guessing you can't just reuse some old code for the other interactions. Looking forward to seeing what you make, the mechanics sounds about accurate to the lines of the world your making and sound pretty fair. A thought I had for the game was having the pred become 'reluctant' to let the player out the longer they are inside the pred's womb. Could have a mechanic that the rub/massage option gets the pred 'lust' up making them want to keep the player inside londer. It was just a though, I'm looking forward to seeing what 'scenario's you use to initiate the new content. Honestly I would love to see a mix of either being digested/absorbed or being the pred's next messy release being one of the game over scenes for the new content. Hope your doing well and best of wishes with your work!


With the addition of new vore types, will there be an option to disable certain ones? Personally, UB is my least favourite form of vore, but I can very easily just reload a save if it happens.


You know what I would really love? If preds had more interesting lives while you were inside them. Like if they had conversations with friends, masturbated, had sex, or just did more. The voyeur aspect would be neat. Some male preds would be cool too.


I already love the idea of being rebirthed. Caring unbirth preds are the best to my likings.


Can you remove the restrictions on the days when you wanna cook for Jasmine?

Shadow Nightclaw

Looking forward to the unbirth segment and playing around with that. ^..^ Would there be possibility of, if the pred asks to let player out, saying they can keep us? Deigning to give ourselves to them as it were? ^..^

Peyton Shaffer

Is just jasmine the only one able to unbirth you or will other preds be able to as well?

Rune Petersen

i can hardly wait for the Unbirth to get added, i hope there is an option for Cum digestion and just entrapment to please both sides of the coin. what i hope gets added later is to feed the other preds aswell and have them gain wieght to be a bit more milfy, as i love very thicc sigrid from her show with the cats :3 perhaps the ability to feed yourself to a sleeping pred with them unaware, to give them a suprise when you make yourself known

Rune Petersen

i would love to see a pred you can date that have her mom living with her that can eat you aswell, if her daughter misbehaves ;3 or that you can wiggle inside when she sleeps, or have a chance of voring you while drunk or sleepng