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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

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-Scratching all scratchcards now only shows your total winnings, rather than showing the result of each individual card.

-Added "Vorarephilia" as a hidden stat. It will increase whenever you partake in a willing vore scenario, and when you masturbate while willingly inside of a predator. Vorarephilia increases the amount of Lust you gain while inside of a pred, but it can also fill your Fun and Social needs if it's high enough. Vorarephilia decays slightly at the start of a new week.

-Added a new internal view for when the stomach is absolutely stuffed with food.

-Overhauled the conversation system so that there's a better passage of time whenever you're talking to an NPC.

-Asking to be let out now gives you some alternate dialogue if you fed yourself to Jasmine during a feeding session.

-The game now automatically updates if you load a save game from a previous version.

-There's now a chance that a predator's belly will muffle your voice depending on how fat the pred is and, if you're in her stomach, how much food is in there.

-Jasmine is now more gluttonous and unprediactable when it comes to vore, but she's also upfront about her intentions. Vore scenarios involving her will now be harsher, but also more fair.

-Reduced the reward you get for successfully feeding Jasmine on the first try.

-Added anal vore, but it's still very limited and experimental with no graphics of its own currently. As of version a0.9, you can only get AV'd if you pick the right option when Jasmine is about to sit on you.

-The "Ask to be let out" option is now always available when you've been vored, except when the pred is already in the process of letting you out (such as pushing you through their intestines).

-Distance between areas have been significantly shortened for better realism.

-Travel times have been slightly rebalanced.

-Added the beach.

-Added Catalina the great white shark as a side predator.

-Sigrid can now be found jogging in the park every day between 7 and 8 AM.



-The game now automatically updates if you load a save game from a previous version. How far into the Back is the Updates? Like 0.7?


There is now a Bug for me when you Have her sit on You Time goes by without any stoping


It works as long as the save is from version a0.5 or higher. It's NOT recommended to load old saves where you're in the middle of an interaction, though (for example, if you're inside of a predator).


Small addon I found out the Bank call Breaks the game for me no idea if it's only me


Oh Hey the new build is here, I've been Looking forward to this ahaha. A Toast to another job well done~


Just curious will there be more pred in the future? haha


Bug report: Being inside Jasmine's stomach in some situations seems to cause two separate sets of the Beg and Scream options.


I'd like to add that you're making the game really awesome!


I mean, I just added a new one, lol. >w> But yes, I'm definitely going to add more preds in the future.


A new pred but not Miss Landau, I hope she will appear at all. I like the way you doing.


Anal vore, yay!


This sounds like an awesome update can't wait to try it out

Thundera Shineboom

From the conversation with Catalina, in future versions, will there be a chance to be attacked and eaten by her suddenly while swimming?

Thundera Shineboom

Looking forward to the implementation of more features about her, such as living with her, drinking and chatting with her, and wanting to see her eating more things, after all, great white sharks have a big appetite

Thundera Shineboom

I have another suggestion. When each Pred has prey in it, their stomachs should be bigger after normal eating, just like Jasmine, instead of keeping the original size of prey only.


some bug seems to have caused the month to progress instead of the day one day it was December 1st, then the next it was February 2nd


Is there a way to buy and sell stock en masse? Clicking a 1000 times is rather tiresome

Glitch Flux

I think time broke, i just had Elane take my money after it went from dec1, 2000 to feb2 2001 in a matter of two days. i think past dec 31 2000, it rolled over wrong


says i need a decrpytion key


You need to copy the whole link, including the hashtag and the string to text following it.


I hope we get to see a lot more AV scenes and I really like Catalina as a pred, can't wait to see what comes from her character


I'm having a few questions regarding Jasmine; The breakfast feeding game never seems to satisfy her on the first time round even after spending from 6am to 11am cooking for her And I never seem to get the AV prompt when asking her to sit on me? I've done full tour with her a few times already via squirming out but not sure what else I can do.


I dont know if I can spoiler to u what you hav 2 do to get the AV scenario but basically you need to whatch TV and pay attention to the clock


Jasmine's hunger is randomized at the start of the day (so make sure to save before going to bed!). On rare occasions, it doesn't matter how much you cook for her, she'll still want more. While this is admittedly an unfair game mechanic, it's a popular trope in this kind of content, so I felt it was necessary to add it as a possibility.


This helps understand things a fair bit better! Perhaps add a particular food item that helps guarantee that doesn't happen as a tradeoff? I know there's the 'big sandwitch' but since it takes the same amount of time as the rest, I didn't particularly think any of the breakfasts individually had a difference because the dinners are significantly more reliable.


Hope we get lewd with Jasmine now ngl

Peyton Shaffer

Ok so when you get anal vored do you ever make it to the stomach or just stuck in the intestines xause i keep trying to do attempt escape but it says you keep getting pulled deeper but all i see is intestines


Jasmine's intestines are very long. It'll take over a day before you reach her stomach.


Lust seems to be broken. Full friendship meters, always willing, always freed yet no matter how much I massage the lust meter wont go up.


I got a bug in Trading I lose money no matter if I buy or..sell


Not a bug. Your stockbroker charges you $2.5 whenever you buy or sell a stock. She tells you this when you ask "Tell me about buying stocks."