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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Downloads (Copy-Paste the links!)

Here are download links for PC and Linux



And here are download links for MAC




-Fixed the "prev_player_home" error you get when talking with Elaine.

-You can now escape from Jasmine's facesitting scene without getting an error screen.

-You can no longer buy groceries if you live with Jasmine (her fridge gets restocked twice a day, so there's no point).


Amora Silverspark

Still getting suck in a loop with the Elaine shower scene. Doesn't matter if I join her of just watch, right after it just goes back to to her asking if she wants me to join her.

Rune Petersen

i love the new Jasmine scenes, i would love to see an option to perhaps wiggle inside her ass or pussy, while she is sitting on your face. or perhaps have the option to sit upright so you are forced up there by her sitting down.

Jamie McMillan

Is there any way to reenable backscrolling from updates 7 and earlier? I loved being able to try different options without loading saves, and rereading dialogue and interactions. The loss of the ability to scroll back has made the game noticeably more clunky and less fun for me :(


Small talk with Elaine now does nothing at all. The option plays all the way through, but it doesn't advance time nor does it give relationship with Elaine


Sorry, but I had to remove mouse scrolling. The game's code has become too complex to support that feature without causing issues. :(


Strangly never got anything Maybe I need to build friendship from the start? As in Saved datas I can't get it even at max Liking


Excellent game updates. I'm already looking forward to the next update.


Thank you for fixing bugs so quickly!


I keep getting a CTD. This message is in my log file: file "renpy/config.py", line 1210, in initImportError: cannot import name GL_FUNC_ADD

Tasald C.

What are the chances of jasmine coming home with a person?


There is still the bathroom loop with Elaine and sometimes an error happens when looking at the stats


In her stomach? Pretty good. I couldn't give you an exact number, though, since that system is so dynamic.


Can't download from MEGA. Says I need a Key. Dropbox link doesn't work. (PC)


use the string of text after the # as the key

Bec Son

question, are there more than the vore scenes for not feeding jasmine enough and how do you get jasmine's horny meter up for the facesit scene?


So im having a loop where i am stuck showering with Elaine. after it finishes it starts up again


Is there a strat for feeding Jasmine? What's the most filling food you can fix for her? Right now I'm stuck, nothing I fix is enough and even going broke ordering more food isn't enough to avoid getting eaten. Is there a way to stay with here where I don't pay 1000 a month? Any tips would be great.


Yeah same, I've got no idea how even cooking for 5 hours still winds up with her being hungry, it's insane!


Having an error where talking to elaine at the TV to ex say drink with her or smalltalk just reports an error and then goes back to the living room action menu.


Her hunger gets randomly set at the start of a new day (so you may want to keep a separate save that's before you go to bed) depending on how much food and prey she already has in her belly. Usually, if you start cooking immediately after getting notified, you'll manage to satisfy her (and if you can satisfy her on the first try, she'll reduce your upcoming rent by $200). If she wants to eat even more food, though, your next best bet is to order home food, which can get expensive. Otherwise, you're just going to have to endure her stomach. This is why I put a warning at the top of the post. If you don't keep multiple saves, you could potentially get into situations where you have no option but to restart the game.


will there potentially be a way to move back in with Elaine?


Hi it says I need a decryption key to accsess the mega download have I missed something somewhere?


Just copy and past the whole link, including the # and the string of text after it.


I found out that I just had to copy paste the actual code after the # into the box and that worked >_> Thanks tho also really love your game/art.


Huh, started a new game and now Elaine asks if I've found a place to live on Oct 1st. The game starts out on Sep 23rd, not really possible to get rep and cash enough to move in with Jasmine in that short amount of time. Energy bar is also being a real problem. Got the garbage man job and I go from fully rested to collapsing after work.


I can't find the facesitting scene, I've moved in with her and think I maxed out affection. I've tried alcohol, but only leads to my character blacking out


But... what if I wanna keep Jasime's belly hefty and heavy? D:


There appears to be a rounding error with the money. I get rounded all the way to many decimal places when it really only needs two.

Eddie Hughs

it might be me but how do i roll back dialogue it doesn't seem to be scrolling back


after a certain point, you can no longer visit Elaines house for some reason, and there's no way to contact her


Further clarification, after some redoing, it occurs whether or not you tell Elaine you are moving out, eventually the option to go to her residence will just disappear either way.


This is all intended. You can only get Elaine's number if she likes you enough, and you can only go to her place if you a)Live there, b)Haven't told her that you're moving out within a certain timeframe, or c)Get permission to come over via telephone.


I have maximum relationship with Elaine though and never got an option to ask for her number.