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Hopefully this isn't too disappointing, but I wanted to add a facesitting animation to the game, and since rendering each frame takes quite a bit of time, I decided to make this instead of a normal pin-up.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aq8ue9la96fds5c/Jasmine%20Facesitting%20Anim%20%28long%29.mp4?dl=0


Jasmine Facesitting Animation



Question is are we supposed to just see a black screen cause that is all I am seeing


It's a nice loop, but Jasmine's cavernous rear seats light just as well as it does you, so yeah. Turn up your brightness significantly.


I thoroughly enjoyed this! I would prefer if it was just a smidge lighter for clarity, even though yes... we wouldn't see much of anything at all if she was on top of us.


Idk why you post it on YouTube (._. )


Can hardly complain about the existence of facesitting, with most of your gals having rumps that nice, but yeah... Be nice to see what's going on... Solid attempt though~ ^^'


Also also, for game, is reducing quality of the rendered animation an option? With maybe a see though background on the existing static game backgrounds? So less things to render in a video.


wish that there is a risk of being mugged and eaten by Jasmine or Sigrid......that would be cool. especially if you had lots of money on you....they would mug you for all your money, strip you and eat you :) so you would no doubt be digested unless you could escape, as they would have zero intention of letting you out of their stomach...(because they do not want the risk of you reporting them)...but that would depend on how fit and strong you are ;)