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Here is the July build of the game! ^w^

Now, unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish up the content necessary for Jasmine's apartment, so it's not possible to move in there yet. >w<

Also, because I had to rush a few things in order to include them in this update, this version hasn't been tested as thoroughly as I would've likes. So if something doesn't seem to be working properly or if the game breaks somewhere, please let me know. ^w^;;

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Downloads (Copy-Paste the links!)

Here are download links for PC and Linux

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/at0xv0uqqxivl94/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.7-pc.zip?dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/jMRxnKYQ#6-GA_NhEYWaEm9hs2OoVsdvF5RUCXZ_WoSkvr6Vrz-A

And here are download links for MAC

-Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/en985h6ew5yy11u/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.7-mac.zip?dl=0

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/3UInmCYK#6BX3byrFCkCacdL3nfENVJDsjvgsi2KbGoMCiDgk56U



-While drinking with Elaine, she won't kiss and vore you unless your relationship is high enough. However, it is now treated as a willing vore scenario.

-NPCs will now lose Drunkenness gradually over time instead of sobering up instantly whenever you go to sleep.

-Jasmine is no longer a side predator and now has her own unique apartment and daily schedule.

-Jasmine will now eat food throughout the day, which you can eat while inside of her stomach.

-Jasmine will ocassionally eat prey on her own "offcamera". When this happens, she'll gradually digest her meal over the course of several days, during which she'll decline to eat the player.

-Preds at the bar will no longer leave body doubles behind when you interact with them.

-Healing items have been added, but each one can only be used once a day (in order to maintain some level of realism) and they're unusable while inside of a pred's belly.

-Night Phases can now be toggled on or off in the Preferences screen in the game menu. Disabling Night Phases replaces all (or mostly all) night visuals with their daytime versions. After changing this setting, you'll have to go to another room or location to make the game implement the change.



I'm getting odd behaviours when you scroll with your mousewheel...

Shiny Umbreon

Really love that elaine drunk voring you is a willing vore event now, felt really bad to be good friends with her and then suddenly she gets drunk and kills you lol


Don't scroll with your mouse wheel. Although it's a useful feature to have for visual novels, the code in this game is probably too intricate to support it. Honestly, I'm going to have to see if I can somehow disable mouse wheel scrolling.


Found two bugs: 1. Visual Bug: When you're eaten yourself and then try to eat food the game will change from the outside view to the inside view, but not update the game state to reflect that change. This means you have to "switch view" twice to get outside view again. 2. Game breaking bug: When eaten by jasmine and she goes to sleep while you're in the inside view, switching the view crashes the game because some image can't be found. This doesn't always happens and I haven't yet found out how to exactly trigger this reliably. Log: https://pastebin.com/aZh3xXLZ


I found out when you sometimes blackout in the Bar it will stay dark untile you switch places and Only characters you spoken to are lighted up Also when your smelly and Drunken get eaten by Jasmine she won't let you out no matter your Realotion ship with her


There is a problem when you get out of Jasmine's butt because it crashes !!!

Rune Petersen

i found a bug, during the new jasmine endurance Event, if you survivie it goes into a loop to pick between getting let out or staying, no matter what options it just displays it again after doing an action

Tekewen Silverkalak

where are save files located? I have new PC and I'd like go just copy / paste the file :(

Django Unbrained

Are we able to visit Jasmine's apartment?


Getting stomach contents errors when loading a previous save. How do I fix this, or do I have to start a new game?


There's a "saves" folder inside of the "game" folder. Just copy that over.


Unfortunately not. However, if you manage to escape from Jasmine's stomach (or she lets you out) while she's in her apartment, you'll be able to explore it before leaving. :3

John Johnson

Don’t rush yourself. If it takes an extra week to get things how you want it then take the time


Where did you save the game? To ensure that there's no code conflict between the old save and the new version, you should ideally be at home and perform a simple action (like eating something, taking a shower, sleeping, or watch TV) to prompt the game to apply the update.


Choose to stay and then work your way out the rear exit. The pop up will continue on every turn unless Jasmine is asleep until you finally work your way out. Once out, you should be free of the pop up... That's what I did anyway.


Another small bug: If you're eaten by Jasmine and manage to work your way out of her ass when she's asleep in bed, it will bring you to a dialog menu like you're in the bar chatting with Sigrid. Choosing to end conversation immediately gives you dialog options as if you're chatting with Elaine in the kitchen. Asking Elaine to eat you will prompt her to say "maybe after you've taken a shower first" and then you get the navigation menu at the bottom like you're at Elaine's apartment. All of this happens while you're looking at a picture of Jasmine because you just escaped her butt and are supposed to be in her apartment. If you use the navigation buttons you will be in Elaine's apartment rather than Jasmines.


So I had a question about the stats. I made a new character and maxed out my Luck (8/8/8/18 for STR/INT/CHA/LUC respectively) and I've found I can just borrow money from Jasmine, buy scratch cards, get roughly $1000-$3000 from the cards, and just do that every day rather than get a job. Is this intended? It works well as a job alternative and gives me a lot more time in the day to up my relationship points with all the existing characters, but I imagine there will be some downsides to having less than 10 in the other stats.


Yes, it is very much intended. As of the current game build, having less than 10 in Strength will make it harder to escape preds if you try to force your way out. And having less than 10 in Charisma means that you'll improve relationships slower (and if your Hygiene is at 0, any character interaction might even make them dislike you!). As of now, Intelligence doesn't affect anything, but in the future it will modify Skill XP gain with some skills, which would mean that you'll learn more slowly.


Lol yep...just found that out. Got ate by Jasmine, couldn't make it out either exit.