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So recently in my off time, I've been playing City of Heroes, and I felt inspired to recreate my newest character in Daz Studios.

This is Apex, an 8-foot-tall extremely ambitious and power-hungry Super-Strength/Invulnerability Brute from Praetoria (if you've played the game, you know what all of this means, lol).



Tasald C.

That alpha title I might expect a bulge on 'her' >~> cough


Wait...you can still play City of Heroes? I thought the servers went down years ago.


They did, but the source code was leaked, resulting in several private servers to pop up a couple of years ago. :3 Homecoming is by far the most popular server: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/installation-guide/ But the Thunderspy server has added a lot to the original game, including new character customization options, powers, as well as customizable minions (which is incredibly fun if you're playing a Mastermind): https://www.thunderspygaming.net/ Both are free to play, but they do appreciate donations to help keep the servers running. In addition, you can do what I did: set up your own private solo server, which allows you to mess around and play with cheats. Unfortunately, the guide I used to set up my own has since been removed, and I don't remember how I did it either (but I do remember it being a pain in the ass), so if you want to do that you'll have to find out for yourself.