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CW: Violence, Blood, Death

Ennex Wandi, the supersoldier bioroid from the 23rd century, had wandered the wilderness aimlessly for a couple of days following her temporal displacement. The first sign of there being people in this strange new world was a trail of smoke rising over the forest canopy. Following it to its source, Ennex came upon a village that was under attack by raiders, and she decided to help fight them off.

Upon seeing the big-chested, half-naked cat girl, the raiders were more than a little bewildered, but decided to attack her just the same. After all, she was without weapons, armor, or even a shield, so they assumed she would be easy to take down. They found out the hard way that their weapons could not harm her, and that she possessed the strength of a man twice her size. After watching Ennex kill half of them, the surviving raiders decided to cut their losses and retreat.




Knowing it's nice to see a second part with her that if she eats there or drinks a mug🍺 in a tavern with a big belly celebrating her victory!