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Here is the May build of the game! ^w^

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to implement full tour/anal vore, despite having made the graphical assets for it (which I previewed last week).

Also a reminder: While you're going to have to start a new game with this release, that shouldn't be necessary in future updates. :3

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

Here's the download link for PC and Linux: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tqhramdmsv0n3db/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.5-pc.zip?dl=0

And here's the download link for MAC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ho9mwkisltqp89r/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.5-mac.zip?dl=0



-You can now have a drink with Elaine if she's in the living room, though this will reduce the amount of food you have in the fridge. The scene will automatically end well before the fridge is empty, though.

-Elaine might swallow you if she gets drunk enough.

-There's a chance that you'll get a sex scene if you go to sleep in Elaine's bed at night while she's not in it and she likes you enough.

-The Lifesaver mechanic has been somewhat overhauled. The effects of packets or tablets no longer stack, the digestion delay timer will just restart when a Lifesaver item is used. This means that you will only ever benefit from carrying one packet of each type.

-If you're Resting, your Rest will be interrupted once the effect of any used Lifesaver wears off. This will not occur if you're sleeping, however.

-Sigrid the friendly Nordic giraffe has been added as an interactable character. You can find her in the bar. She will only vore you if you ask her to or if she gets really drunk, but will usually let you out when asked.

-New updating system that should let you continue playing on your old save game after updating the game. This will only work for save games that were started in version a0.5, though.

-The City Map has been slightly reorganized.

-Added a true job system (the one in previous versions was just a placeholder) with 14 unique jobs, each having its own schedule.

-You can get tips in some service jobs based on your Charisma, job experience, and random chance.

-Your alarm clock will go off two hours before your job starts, giving you enough time to eat breakfast, shower, and travel to your job (the "It's time to go to work" prompt shows up half an hour before your job starts).

-Working will increase your job experience as well as slightly improve your employer's opinion of you. If these get high enough, you'll get a raise!

-If you skip work and are at home, your boss will call to ask where you are and you will be given a few options on how to respond. You can also choose to simply not pick up the phone in the first place.

-Every job gives you 7 sick days a month. Not going to work due to being in a pred's belly counts as a sick day.

-Elaine will now buy groceries every Thursday, but it's only enough to support herself for a week.

-Ipecac Syrup has been added as a Lifesaver. It will trigger automatically when you're swallowed and will cause weaker preds (such as Elaine) to immediately throw you up, while significantly weakening the stomach strength of stronger preds.

-Added a bank where you can get an ID (which is currently not used anywhere, lol) and open a Bank Account as well as an optional Savings Account.



What all is new this time??


Not to spoil or what but apart from the giraffe are there any other girls in the game?

Rune Petersen

i love the sigrid! ;3 i love the new stuff, i cant wait till you can have other roommates, and for unbirth to be added in! would love to be able to tease and pleasure a pred from the inside without risking getting digested btw, the new scenes in the bed and such are adorable


I can't find Nurse Elaine and a chance to "kiss" her???


ok so on a more technical note, there where two bartending jobs that for me where identical in the jobs list. and when drunk and having gone to bed before i could respond the drunk timer only started the next morning and i could not get out.

Rune Petersen

Keep small talking with her untill she likes you a lot (lets you sleep in her bed and dont kick you out when she needs to sleep aswell)


also got a skin tingle notification long after i was thrown up by jasmine

Rune Petersen

i LOVE the new drunk digestion ends and unaware pred digestion ends!

Rune Petersen

suggestion: perhaps add in the ability to prank your roommate by crawing inside them while they sleep? like Oral vore, Unbirth or anal vore....... and perhaps add in a consumable that prevents a pred from spitting or pushing you out?


I noticed when playing through this version that when buying groceries, buying two bags only costs 25 bucks instead of 50 like it says

Rune Petersen

Suggestion: vore chances while working with some jobs, like the bartender job, perhaps you could get eaten by a drunk customer, or the office jobs, eaten by a coworker

Rune Petersen

Suggestion: the ability to, with enough money, buy a big home and get your favorite preds to move in with you..... perhaps that could lead to some fun at home scenes and such

Rune Petersen

Suggestion: The chance to take your favorite preds on dates to romance them, could either end with sex or vore ;3 '(sorry for all the suggestions btw)


That'd be *very* far off. Not something I would start working on until I've added several more potential roommates.

Peyton Shaffer

Did the sex scene with elaine in bed get added yet or no

Rune Petersen

and that is fair, i know working on this game takes a lot of time, love your stuff


It has. I came about it by chance the the first time sleeping in Elaine's bed after getting close to her.


whats all thats new this time around, seems like a lot~


I ran into a bug when I offered Sigrid to drink to where I black out, the game crashes when i think you're supposed to wake up inside her.

John Johnson

Will it be possible to change jobs so you can have a “business” job so you can have Miss Landau as your boss and will there be other pred bosses for the different types of jobs later on? Perhaps working on a dairy farm and meeting Bessie?


Yes, it will be possible to change jobs. I can't say for sure if I'll add more pred bosses, though.


I can never manage to get Sigird drunk enough to eat me, anyone else manage to do it?


There's a random chance that it happens if you get drunk enough to black out while drinking with her.


will/is there a chance that you can stay with Elaine instead of moving out if your relationship is high?


I got mostly that I get 3x times "You black out" But so far is fun and nice^^


When I drink with Sigrid and blackout I would sometimes get an error reading "'pred_relationship' not defined", with two more occurring if I press ignore: "'pred_carnivore' not defined" and "'pred_stomach_damage' not defined" after those it'll boot me to a black screen with the bar menu, and my hygiene goes down to 0 like if I was eaten, so that makes me assume that the scene might be broken?


Stumbled on an error when you pass out drunk around Sigurd. ``` I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/scripts/Basics/Food/alcohol.rpy", line 227, in NameError: name 'pred_relationship' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 49, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Characters/Side_Characters/sigrid_conversations.rpyc", line 145, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 41, in script call File "scripts/Characters/Side_Characters/sigrid_conversations.rpyc", line 145, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 45, in script call File "scripts/Basics/Food/alcohol.rpyc", line 227, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 1852, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "renpy/python.py", line 2249, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "renpy/python.py", line 2242, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/scripts/Basics/Food/alcohol.rpy", line 227, in NameError: name 'pred_relationship' is not defined Windows-10-10.0.19041 Ren'Py Its a Gluttonous Life a0.5 Fri Jun 25 19:43:16 2021 ```


Ignoring the error leads then to this error. ``` I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/scripts/Basics/Vore/vore.rpy", line 64, in NameError: name 'pred_carnivore' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 49, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 148, in script call File "scripts/Characters/Side_Characters/sigrid_conversations.rpyc", line 145, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 41, in script call File "scripts/Characters/Side_Characters/sigrid_conversations.rpyc", line 145, in script call File "scripts/Basics/basic_needs.rpyc", line 45, in script call File "scripts/Basics/Food/alcohol.rpyc", line 241, in script call File "scripts/Basics/Vore/vore.rpyc", line 64, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 1852, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "renpy/python.py", line 2249, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "renpy/python.py", line 2242, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/scripts/Basics/Vore/vore.rpy", line 64, in NameError: name 'pred_carnivore' is not defined Windows-10-10.0.19041 Ren'Py Its a Gluttonous Life a0.5 Fri Jun 25 19:46:27 2021 ```


Thank you, I appreciate these reports. Thankfully, this has been fixed in the new version. :3