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As with last week, my focus has been entirely on graphics. As you can see in the first image, the bar now has people in it. My aim is to add it as a location in the game by next week.

I've also been giving some thought as to how I'm going to handle other predators, mechanics wise. As you know, Elaine has a daily schedule even after she's swallowed you; however, I cannot possibly give every single predator a carefully planned schedule like that. So I decided to split preds into two groups: main preds and side preds. Main preds, like Elaine, have a planned schedule, while side preds will have more procedurally generated schedules and scenes. When a side pred eats you, they will be randomly assigned a bed and a home, and their character art will simply be layered on top of these. They may also randomly roam around in public areas (like the park) with you in their belly.

The benefit of this system would be that I could add new predators and new vore scenes relatively quickly. Also, side preds could easily be upgraded to main preds relatively easily in the future. :3
