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I haven't done any programming this week. Instead, I've been working on the visuals for a new area: the bar.

Since the game's setting feature anthros of varying sizes (although not as extreme as in Zootopia), spaces like this where they co-mingle need to reflect that visually. As you can see, the sofa towards the back is quite a bit bigger than the one in front of it, and the drinking glasses on the upper middle shelf behind the bar are similarly enlarged. While this might not seem like much, I had to use a bunch of my character models to make sure that everyone could comfortably fit here.

Also, I had the TV air an MMA fight, which also took quite a bit to make, lol. But to make up for it, I figured I could upload it as some bonus art for y'all.

Hopefully you aren't too disappointed about this week's progress. ^w^;;




now this may be just me, but i would love to meet one of them in the gym


That's a pretty cool bar, also, the fight looks awesome, wonder where the ref is tho.


I've been thinking of doing that, actually. Though, that would be much further down the development cycle