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January 18, 2300

I’ve been building something of a rapport with Eve. She genuinely seems excited whenever I come visit her. It’s actually rather adorable… despite her being a perfect killing-machine and all.

Although Eve is seemingly incapable of speech and I have continually failed in my efforts to teach her to sign, we have managed to develop a very… rudimentary form of communication. She can even follow simple commands… provided that she’s in the mood to do so. The important thing, though, is that she’s able to understand them.

On a more serious note, Yamamoto told me that she wants to send someone into Eve’s enclosure to, and I quote: “see what happens”. Where the hell does Weyland-Yutani find these people?? Naturally, I put my foot down and explained that something like that would just end up ruining all of the progress that we’ve made so far. Yamamoto was not pleased with my answer, and gave me this weird analytical look for a solid minute before taking her leave.

January 20, 2300

Jesus… Where do I even start?

So this morning, while Eve was locked in her pen, I was in her enclosure to collect some samples. Then, all of a sudden, Yamamoto locked the door behind me and, to my horror, released Eve into the enclosure.

Fuck… I really thought I was going to die right then and there. I told Eve to return to her pen, but… she didn’t listen, of course. She was too excited to see me being on her side of the glass.

The fear was so overwhelming that I just… lost my balance and collapsed onto the ground. I’m not sure if I hallucinated it or not, but as Eve crawled on top of me and I kept asking her to return to her pen, I could’ve sworn she whispered “No”.

Thankfully, she didn’t harm me. All she did was examine me and... rub her body against mine. She also kept pretending that she was going to kill me—snapping her teeth together within an inch of my face, stroking my neck with her claws, lightly biting me; that sort of thing. In retrospect, I suppose it was just her way of playing. But in the moment, I was sure she was going to kill me. And I couldn’t help but notice Yamamoto watching us from the observation room. The bitch was even taking notes...

Eventually, Eve returned to her pen, and Yamamoto let me out. She had the gall for congratulating me for “a work well done”, and she evidently did not expect me to floor her with a sucker punch right then and there. Because of that, the guards threw me in the brig.

Yamamoto visited me just a little while ago to hand me my datapad so that I can “write a detailed report on the experience”. I don’t even with this woman...



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