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Sorry for being late again. Honestly, at this point it is probably for the best if I aim to do dev logs and build releases on Saturdays instead of Fridays.

Anyway, I've added tons of stuff, mechanics wise. First of all, all major preds (of which Elaine is currently the only one) now have a vore cooldown period whenever you manage to kick your way out of their stomachs. So if you trigger a vore scene with a pred who's still recovering from your last bout, the scene will instead end with the pred ignoring you. Though, if you do what I did to poor Elaine in the video, your relationship will decrease significantly, which is bad. After all, it's not a good idea to get someone you live with to hate you—especially not in a world where murder is technically legal provided that the victim is eaten.

I've also fleshed out both the park and the gym. Oh, and you might have noticed that I've added another skill: Athletics. Whereas Fitness increases your Stamina, Athletics acts as a multiplier for your Strength attribute—meaning that your ability to force yourself out of a pred's stomach improves. Training your Athletics and Fitness skills costs Stamina. To regain it, you can spend some time to relax at the gym or the park (or you can simply go home and watch TV or something).

You can also buy food for yourself at the park. Although it's more expensive than making food at home, it will save you time since you don't have to cook.

Buying groceries now works differently. You can buy one or more bags of them for $25 per bag. Once you have bought some, you have no choice but to go home and unpack them. On the plus side, if Elaine is in either the living room or kitchen, your relationship will improve slightly.

Okay, just so you all know: I will release a new build next Saturday, so you'll finally get to play around with all this. ;3


It's a Gluttonous Life - Park and Gym Preview


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