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I finally managed to put together an alpha build for y'all. Do note that this is still early into the game's development, so there's not a whole lot to do yet and everything is very WIP. ^w^;;

Here's the download link for PC and Linux: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qm5wpihqo7de6vi/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.1-pc.zip?dl=0

And here's the download link for MAC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9j9ayywd9208yoi/ItsaGluttonousLife-a0.1-mac.zip?dl=0



Of what I have played so far it seems to be a great little game concept. The only real glitch that I found was when in the bedroom and doing a search it errors out. I look forward to the others predators we will meet. I think it would be a fun idea to add a phone to the shop so we can contact friends and know where they are.


I'm glad to hear it! ^w^ Honestly, I straight up forgot to fix the bedroom search action. Thanks for letting me know. >w> And yes, I'm definitely planning on adding a phone. ;D


Thats great! oh and i think i encountered anotherglitch on the 22nd to 23 day of october. i was on the couch watchign tv with them, then passed out from exaustion and then the dialog for them leaving played the morning after that cause a perpetual time skip to run of every half an hour and lock me in passing out from exaustion


Really love the game concept and content so far! Was wanting to ask if there were plans to add belly shrinking during digestion to show the transition since it sort of just fades to black and shows the end result.


Very much appreciated! Bugs like that are easy for me to miss, so this is really helpful. <3


np thanks for giving me a fun night with your creation! i look forward to more progress.


And this is just a personal interest but I would love to suggest having some predators smaller than the player! Just something that a lot of vore games don't have these days and was just throwing the idea, not a big deal if it doesn't ever happen though!


I'm not sure if I would add that, but if I do it's much further down the line. I already have a pretty long to-do list of stuff I want to add. ^w^;;